
My xslt places a non braking space in the body before the first div. I am clueless as to why. Have been pulling out google maps, noie6, all kinds of utilities, and it keeps doing it.
Anyone knows what I mean?

Can you isolate it to a specific page? Can you Pastie some examples?

Its gotten to big to really isolate anything, feel free to look;

Do you mean an actual   or just whitespace?

an actual one, I had 2 of them before the first div, and after some fiddling now have one left. But I also have a bunch of whitespace…

Weird. Is it browser-specific? If you don’t resolve it otherwise, my next step for that sort of thing would be to do a local transform in Textmate/TeXSLMate or another transformer, just to narrow things down.

It IS weird, I’ll need to go back into older version to check when it first appeard, or indeed try local transforming. I only have 2 pages, and it appears on both, so I suspect utilities.
Could it be something with external datasources and their namespaces?…

edit; I can only see the actual whitespace in firebug, its not present in the browserview of the source code.
However, when I delete the whitespace entity in firebug, my header moves beck to top 0, as intended. So the invisible entity pushes my header div down.

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