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Closed#141: Symphony is translating class names


I noticed that Symphony translates some class names. Is that right?

Here are some examples:

content.blueprintsdatasources.php (line 254)
content.blueprintsdatasources.php (line 273)

Also see related issue.


To clarify the situation: It is correct that Symphony translates some class names.

There are two kinds of classes: one for layout purposes and another for showing and hiding interface elements based on select box values. Due to the fact that the values of the select box are translated, those class names have to be translated, too.

Nevertheless, something seems to be messed up.

@Nils: are you still experiencing the oddity? If so, are you able to provide more information about it? The link no longer works.

Hi Allen, I have to check this with the current code in the integration branch but I think this problem still exists. This is the issue rainerborene originally posted on GitHub:

Hello nils,

I’m translating Symphony’s back-end and something strange happened. The data source page is not showing this element anymore.

Can you fix that please?


Johanna reported a similar issue at

The data source manager has become quite complicating behind the scenes with the introduction of localisation as it relies on English names and terms that are translated in other contexts of the system.

To be honest I think it would be a good idea to build it up from scratch again with localisation in mind. Maybe it would be a good idea to change the different layouts of the manager via a URL scheme and not via JavaScript based on class names. This way it would be possible to allow extension to add their own data source manager areas and it would also be possible to rethink the included elements area to allow nested item selection (would be great for fields like Mediathek which allow a sub selection) and fix the hidden fields problem in Safari.

Forgive me if I’ve missed something, but is localization even necessary for class names? Although we might get Javascript translation working eventually for other jQuery scripts, will we also be translating the CSS files?

Forgive me if I’ve missed something, but is localization even necessary for class names?

Yes, in the current implementation some class names have to be translated: these classes are never used for styling (so there is no need to translate CSS files) but they a used as marker to switch the different modes of the data source editor (sections, dynamic/static xml, navigation).

This is a limitation in 2.0.x, however, the problem does not exist in 2.1

This issue is closed.

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