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Closed#255: 2.0.7 - Symphony admin.js 'dictionary' system broken

I believe this has very likely been fixed in the integration branch, but this line in ‘admin.js’ which replaces spaces with underscores prior to searching:

(Line 27) var search = string.replace(/ /gi, ‘_’);

Inadvertently causes all of the default dictionary items that contain spaces (eg. ‘Remove File’) not to be found. They instead show as ‘undefined’ to the end user.

I thought a quick temporary fix for this (without having to refactor) was to change the line to:

(Line 27) var search = string;

Unfortunately this seems to cause additional issues on other pages with the ‘symphony.duplicator.js’ and pretty much completely breaks Symphony.

Changing the items in the dictionary object to include the underscores (eg. ‘Remove File’ to ‘Remove_File’) lets the objects get found, matches the strict equality test for false and then subsequently returns the original string (‘Remove File’) making it appear correctly for the end user, but I’m unsure if this is what was intended and mysteriously left out of 2.0.7.

This is a known problem, and here is the fix:

You can simply replace those two files:

  • symphony/assets/admin.js
  • symphony/content/content.ajaxtranslate.php

Thanks michael-e, files replaced and all working as expected.

Can this fix please be pulled into the official 2.0.7 repo?

It’s probably not good policy to silently roll changes into an existing version, so the plan is to have outstanding 2.0.7 bugfixes go into a 2.0.8 release.

This issue is closed.

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