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Closed#361: Unsafe password hashing algorithm

Symphony now uses md5 to hash passwords. This is a very unsafe way of hashing passwords. There are numerous sites that provide a very fast cracking of these hashes.

An alternative would be to use salts, or a completely different algorithm (like sha)

There’s a random password generator in the core which could be used to generate a salt on initial install. Good idea.

There’s a random password generator in the core which could be used to generate a salt on initial install. Good idea.

For as far as I can see, the random password generator generates a fixed length password, so simply appending (like traditional salt and pepper..:)) it to the pass is not really an option.

Maybe doing a bitwise multiplication (or something similar) is a better idea?

If I were to write some code for it, what symphony version should I use?

We should look at using the sha1() function in PHP for Symphony 2.1. The tricky bit is how do we upgrade existing passwords easily. This could be a pain for sites with lots of users.


Be sure to read the pre and post update notes provided by the updater.


Two words: wow! thanks!

This issue is closed.

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