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Closed#366: Submodule update error

Getting the following when trying to update submodules in clones of the 2.1 repo:

fatal: reference is not a tree: a068d9c8765129cd7ac66dc33b0e6b51b0a05521
Unable to checkout 'a068d9c8765129cd7ac66dc33b0e6b51b0a05521' in submodule path 'extensions/export_ensemble'

Have tried this from two separate servers on three separate installs.

Eh, my bad. I was accidentally tracking a non-existent branch of the Export Ensemble extension.


I was having the same problem, but I noticed that I was using the original location of the symphony-2 code ( which I guess is now the wrong url. I guess is now the official link now. Since is forked from the old repository, can you push your changes in the new one to old repository? OR is there a way to redirect people from the symphony/symphony-2 repository to the forked and new symphonycms/symphony-2 repository.

There isn’t a way to automatically redirect people, unfortunately. We are attempting to keep the old repo up to date for a couple of months to avoid confusion, but strongly suggest everyone update their git config, as mentioned in the readme.

This issue is closed.

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