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Closed#395: [Minor Issue] Extensions can be edited without one being selected

In the extension dialog one can enable, disable and uninstall extensions without having one extension selected. This shouldn’t be possible.

I’m on 2.1 but this is probably the case in all symphony versions downwards.

This seems to be the case for all ‘with-selected…’ menus in the admin area (blueprints and system). The same menus in the content area seem to be fine.

I’m not sure what you mean by this?

Although you can apply an action, it won’t actually do anything without any items being selected.

I suppose the action could be prevented by JS if there are no checked items.

What do you think should happen in this scenario?

Hey brendo,

since nothing is selected no data will be altered by doing so.

Right, this should be catched by the js that also asks if I’m sure that I want to do (enable/disable..) this. But it probably shouldn’t be a alert box like this. Maybe something similar to the “Entry updated” bar one gets when saving a entry.

I’ve taken a much simpler (overly simple?) approach: the form won’t submit unless you have at least one row selected. If none is selected then clicking Apply does nothing.

Thanks nick, I think this is just right.

This issue is closed.

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