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Closed#658: Save and view all Button

can someone make a extension, that shows a "save and close" button on the bottom of a entry ... it's more user friendly and faster to work.

thread: link text

Why a separate extension? The button can be added to the core functionality.

Because two submit buttons, in my opinion, is unnecessary clutter. It would certainly confuse my clients, like the "Apply" and "Save" buttons in some Windows applications still confuse regular computer users. I suggest this is done as an extension. It could be done in two ways:

  1. Some JavaScript adds a second "Save and Close" button (although "close" is the wrong word, it's not closing anything)
  2. Keep a single button and override the behaviour with a delegate (there you go, this should work)

I'm not convinced that two save buttons at the bottom of each form is the way to go.

It would certainly confuse my clients, like the "Apply" and "Save" buttons in some Windows applications still confuse regular computer users.

I agree. In germany we say "computer ABC" or "computer driving license". ;-)

It can also be a checkbox next to the save button.

I think that @ahwayakchih had the best idea so far:

How about SHIFT+click to go back to "view all"? That would allow to go back, if needed, and there would be no need for another button there.

It would be easy peasy to implement in the core.

I think that @ahwayakchih had the best idea so far

I agree.

It would be easy peasy to implement in the core.

I agree.

I do not like keyboard shortcuts but in this case is it the best solution.

This bug just crossed over our anticipated issue for Github transfer, please continue the discussion there

This issue is closed.

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