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Closed#85: Admin CSS problem with big entry tables

Publish overview tables may become wider than the viewport. In this case overflow-x: hidden; in admin.css will disable the browser’s horizontal scollbar. This keeps things nice, but at the same time creates a massive usability problem as soon as the maximum window size (i.e. the monitor size) is not big enough.

I would prefer the vertical scrollbar in these cases.

Agreed. This used to be the case, so not sure why this has changed back. Here is a fix:

admin.css line 11, remove overflow:hidden

This now causes a small amount of horizontal scroll caused by the quirks of the absolutely-positioned bottom #usr bar. Adding overflow:hidden to this selector (line 96 of the same file) fixes the horizontal scroll.

Tested in FF3.5 and Safari 4.

Scrap that. My changes create another bug whereby the “actions” DIV is hidden by the footer bar. The backend CSS has some pretty cryptic implementations :-/

The backend CSS is indeed rather special, so I don’t have a solution neither. But I think this is a rather important issue, because it can make admin functions unusable on certain screens.

Yeah I’ve been looking into this and I’m not sure I know how we address it without rewriting the layout entirely. I’m hoping this will be solved in 2.1 but I’m afraid we may not be able to fix it for 2.0.8…

This issue is closed.

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