
There seems to be an issue with input fields containing ampersands if you upgrade from Symphony 2.0.6 to 2.0.7. I couldn’t figure it out yet, but upgrading made corresponding pages break (during XSLT transformation) on one of my websites. (Good luck – it was not a production version.)

Just wanted to tell everyone: “Be careful.”

I will try and post the issue on the bug tracker as soon as I have fully understood what’s going wrong here.

I’ve also found a number of issues with different plugins. Mediathek and Breadcrumb being the two notable ones. Both caused fatal database errors in Symphony 2.0.7 after updating from 2.0.6.

I haven’t noticed the ampersand issue yet but I’m sure I’ll come up against it soon enough.

I downloaded my copy from the site and updated the old fashioned way. I didn’t do or get anything via GitHub.

I would suggest holding off upgrading until extension developers get a chance to update their extensions to be compatible with 2.0.7.

2.0.7 was not meant to break compatibility with existing extensions. The fact that it had was an oversight and failure on our part. We’re looking at a 2.0.8 release to address upgrade and compatibility issues.

Lesson learned.

I have posted two 2.0.7 issues on the bugtracker:

It is rather clear that (in addition to extension problems) there are encoding problems in Symphony 2.0.7, and fixing them in 2.0.8 might lead to even more upgrade problems. Maybe the team wants to consider pulling the 2.0.7 release back.


I would suggest holding off upgrading until extension developers get a chance to update their extensions to be compatible with 2.0.7.

Actually I decided not to upgrade any of my websites. There seem to be too many issues with 2.0.7, and I wouldn’t find the time to track those issues or work around them.

Unfortunately this also means that I will not be able to explore and post bugs like I did with the previous releases.

P.S.: There seem to be issues with the current Selectbbox Link Field (1.14) as well.‚

Could you add a bit more info to that Issue thread about the SBL please?

I intend on pulling a 2.0.6 site locally and upgrading to 2.0.7 for bug hunting. They can then be logged, tracked and fixed. No doubt the team would appreciate the same from us all.

There seem to be too many issues with 2.0.7

Beyond Nil’s comprehensive list of translation bugs, there appear to only be a handful of issues.

I think 2.0.7 needs testing. At some point the team will want to be able to look at the Issues list and treat it as a complete list of issues that need to be fixed for 2.0.8. I suppose there will need to be a freeze at point point (as there would be with release candicate testing).

It would be great for us all to give 2.0.7 a whirl in development environments, add everything to the Issue tracker, and get cracking on resolving the issues. I don’t see how we can proceed any other way.

No doubt the team will give us some direction in the coming days/weeks.

I intend on pulling a 2.0.6 site locally and upgrading to 2.0.7 for bug hunting.

Me too.

I have addressed those encoding related problems.

Beyond Nil’s comprehensive list of translation bugs, there appear to only be a handful of issues.

I agree. I have addressed the 4 or so critical ones. 187, 186 and 185, 180


Beyond Nil’s comprehensive list of translation bugs, there appear to only be a handful of issues.

If this is the case, why are you recommending not to use it:

I recommend you download a stable version of Symphony (2.0.6 is a good place to start, since 2.0.7 has a few bugs to iron out.)

If I was new to Symphony, Nick’s recommendation would sound strange to me. If 2.0.7 is considered unstable, shouldn’t it get a “beta” tag at least?

Don’t get my above comments wrong. I have noticed lots of great improvements in Symphony 2.0.7, and I would love to help with testing. But I always found most of the bugs working with real websites. You won’t find much by poking around (even assumed that you have the time to do so). Unfortunately with 2.0.7, the upgrade probably wouldn’t ever make it to the production version of my websites in the end.

Maybe we should think about a “Symphony Testing Suite” which could help with new releases? (I have no idea how to approach this, and I wouldn’t like to complicate things, of course.)

Michael, I think Nick’s comment came after someone discovered a new bug in addition to the issues Nils uncovered. In the end, I don’t think anyone disagrees that 2.0.7 needs additional testing on real websites (in a local environment).

I have been developing (part-time) a personal site using symphony for the purposes of learning symphony and learning the associated technologies of XSLT etc.

Without giving it much thought (which was stupid) I upgraded from 2.06 to 2.07 the other day directly on my VPS (I have been developing “live” through ssh) and now I have a major error when I try to edit or create new content, but only in some cases and not in others!!

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘LIMIT 1’ at line 1. An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

SELECT section_id FROM sym_entries WHERE id = LIMIT 1

I have had a good look at the code backtrace and DB backtrace, and poked around in the DB (not the most human readable schema) and I have no idea what has happened.

Let this be a warning!! Of course the blame lies squarely with myself for not being careful and having a staging process, but I thought it was worth mentioning nonetheless.

If you need to roll back, you should be able to download the index.php and /symphony files from 2.0.6 and this should work.

Could you raise this as a bug report on the tracker?

If you need to roll back, you should be able to download the index.php and /symphony files from 2.0.6 and this should work. Could you raise this as a bug report on the tracker?

I’d be happy to report this bug in theory Nick, but I have numerous extensions installed that are not cleared for use on 2.07 and this may be what has caused the issue, rather than the upgrade itself.

Right-o. If you prefer, you could email me an Ensemble of your site and I’ll try and trace it for you. nick [at] the domain in my profile.

Same over this end. We’re actively tracking 2.0.7 issues and wouldn’t mind more testbeds. You can email: allen [at] this domain.

I’ll email my ensemble over to the both of you gentlemen sometime today and you can pick it apart to your hearts content!!

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