
Last year, I made a trip to Seattle to attend An Event Apart: The Design Conference for People Who Make Websites. Given the list of speakers and the topics that will be covered, I’m hoping to attend again this year. However, for the sake of being able to also plan a meetup of Symphony CMS designers and developers, and to allow for the development team to plan to attend, as Allen had mentioned, I was wondering if there were others who might be interested in a Symphony Meetup to coincide with one of the events scheduled for An Event Apart or for any other web conference that might work better for the largest number of people. I’ve never been to Europe, so I’d love an excuse to go to London, for instance. Or Berlin (to visit the Bauhaus-Archiv). I’ve never been to New York either.

Domain7 has just expanded to include an office near Washington, DC. So attending An Event Apart in Washington sounds like a good way to also meet the rest of our team there.

If we were going to meet up somewhere, when and where would be the best place? And who would like to design some swag for the event?

A Symphony meetup would be great. Europe would be great, too (well, yes, it’s quite obvious I’m living in Europe).

Living near London I’m waiting for details of @media 2010 which has been great in the past.

I wonder if more localised meetups would be a cool way to start off, and if there’s enough interest we can save the pennies and try to arrange something internationally?

If you want to guarantee Allen’s attendance maybe we need to camp out in Brisbane…

Yes, Europe would be great. And I do have some relatives I could stay with in Brisbane or Sydney. I’d love to travel to any of those locations, but it would mean saving a few pennies :-)

Any chance people are will be at SXSWi as well? That’s looking like the only conference I will be making this year.

If there is enough attendance, I can go pretty much anywhere. I’ll tag Alistair along too.

The best candidate for me would be London (Airlock’s tech team is there) or New York (Craig and a few others are there).

There is a strong Symphony presence in Germany too. Mostly from a few very vocal members ;)

There is a strong Symphony presence in Germany too. Mostly from a few very vocal members ;)

Uhm … 8-)

I am sure being vocal means utterly positive like having a nice voice. :-)

If it’s Berlin or London, I would do my very best to attend the meetup.

If it’s Berlin or London, I would do my very best to attend the meetup.

Same here. And I’m sure Johanna would like to come, too.

I’m not as vocal as I would like to be, but I would try to attend a meetup in Germany/Europe as well.

London would suit me fine, it being where I live and work!!

If it’s Berlin or London, I would do my very best to attend the meetup.

Me too.

If it’s Berlin or London, I would do my very best to attend the meetup.

Both are pretty close to The Netherlands, so I’ll see what I can do. I’m not planning on attending any conference, but would like to meet up with you guys and exchange some ideas.

Feels like London would be the best choice. Beware! It will be hard to survive there because Englishmen tend to drive on the wrong side of the street. But I haven’t been in Britain for 50 or 60 years, and am really looking forward to meeting you guys face-to-face. So I would take the risk.

BTW: Berlin isn’t very interesting to me (apart from the Bauhaus-Archiv, of course.) So if we decide for Germany, I vote for Munich. I live here, and I would do my best to demonstrate why it is sometimes called the “most northern town of Italy”. (Which means: People think it has too much of Italian charm and lifestyle to really be located in Germany.) Well, this might take some extra-hours… :-)

Berlin isn’t very interesting to me …

Ha! Berlin would be great for us (living just about one and a half hour away).
But London is always worth a trip.

But London is the bigger risk (see above), so it’s more fun, probably.

The closest I’ve been to Australia is New Zealand, and I’ve never been to New York either … but Berlin or London would be superb! (Same for Munich, michael-e.)

Rome is a beautiful city too! (Just kidding ;) )

But London is the bigger risk (see above), so it’s more fun, probably.

Rome is a beautiful city too!

I think we’ll need a tour bus ;)

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