
With the release of version 2.0.7 Symphony offers localisation support out of the box. As soon as you have installed a language extension your will see a new selection in your preferences. Furthermore it is possible to override the default language in the author profile.

Users of Localisation Manager

If you have been using the Localisation Manager for these tasks, you will no longer need this extension. More precisely using Symphony 2.0.7 in connection with version 1.1 of Localisation Manager will actually break the system resulting in weird and illogical behaviour.

Please uninstall the Localisation Manager extension before updating to Symphony 2.0.7.

Translations are now offered as separate extensions which you can find in the download area of this website:

Translators & Developers

As mentionded above, Symphony core translations are provided via special extensions. These have to follow a strict naming scheme as follows: lang_{language-name} where {language-name} represents the full name and not the code of your language, e. g. lang_dutch or lang_italian. If there are different local variants of your language, these should be bundled into a single language extension, e. g. (Portuguese) and (Portuguese / Brazil) should be part of the same extension. Each language extension should contain an extension.driver.php with the extension credentials and a lang folder bundling all language files. Have a look at the German translation to see how it works:

If you are using the Localisation Manager extension, please uninstall it before updating to Symphony 2.0.7 and download the current release afterward (version 1.2).

Finally I’d like to highlight that – as of version 2.0.7 – Symphony provides a translation function for JavaScript as well which makes use of the core translation function.

If you are a translator or extension developer, please have a look at the updated article Localisation in Symphony which points out a few important things:

  • How Does Localisation Work in Symphony?
  • Best practices
  • Providing Translations of the Core
  • Providing Translations of Extensions
  • Providing JavaScript Localisation

If you have any question or suggestions, feel free to post here.

We should have a category in the extensions section for translations. Will do that in a bit.

EDIT: Should it be “Translations” or “Languages”?

I would suggest “Translations” (got inspired by the download page), even if it’s just a matter of tastes. ;)

Translations sounds good.

Good for me too.

Thanks, Craig.

Linguistic question:

The taglines of our translation extensions are different. What’s the correct/better phrase?

Official {$insert-name-here} translation for Symphony.


Official {$insert-name-here} translation of Symphony.

I’d say, in our case, “translation for” sounds more appropriate.

“Translation of” is the common usage in publishing (“Edith Grossman’s translation of Cervantes’ Don Quixote”), and it sort of implies the creation of a one-to-one copy—a new, equivalent but independent product.

So to say “translation of Symphony” carries that kind of implication a little, like you’ve created a new product that is equivalent to the original but in a different language. Whereas “translation for Symphony” feels more accurate—you’ve created a linguistic translation that can be used in the service of the original platform.

Thanks again, Craig.

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