
The latest version of Symphony 2.0.7’s admin.js file has an error and it seems to be breaking all JS on an entry page.

It’s line 46:

string = string.replace('{$' + index + '}', value); 

It doesn’t seem to effect other pages.

There’s this commit on the Symphony integration branch that fixes this.

Confirmed, fixed it for me. Much appreciated!

I’m sorry, but this commit just hides the actual bug and breaks JavaScript localisation. There was a misconception in the JavaScript localisation process for the default strings, which was fixed here:

Right ok. Well, regardless, 2.0.7 needs to be retagged with this commit pretty quickly because it’s basically a useless release IMO without it.

All the new enhancements are nice, but it’s not worth it if extensions that rely on Javascript are not going to function correctly, which AFAIK is a large portion of them.

You’re right - the bug is my fault and I didn’t notice it as I was testing the localised version and this only happens in English installs with JavaScript depending extensions. Hopefully the fix will be pulled into the main repository soon.

Right, so downloading those two files and replacing them on my host will actually solve the problem instead of hiding it, correct?

I just want to verify before I risk breaking things again.

Yes, that’s correct.

As of today it seems that this bug that Dougoftheabaci pointed out is still in the 2.0.7 master branch.

It came up when I was trying to use Documenter on a brand new clone of Symphony (pulled today).

What I’m wondering is whether this an issue with Documenter or with the core? I saw that Czheng fixed a conflict with duplicator.js here Was that a different issue?

Or maybe this is an official bug? If so couldn’t find the issue, if anyone can help feel free to direct me to it if so.

I tried Nil’s version and that seems to have only caused more issues for me and now the old bugfix no longer seems to work.

I’m playing with a test site so let me first confirm a few things then I’ll report back once I have a better idea what’s going on.

[Edit:] After a fresh install this morning everything seem sto work perfectly.

I wanted to revisit this just in case anyone else ran into this problem.

I never figured out the actual issue but I went ahead and switched to the integration branch of admin.js and that took care of the issue.

PS the master branch’s admin.js still gives me this error:

string = string.replace(‘{$’ + index + ‘}’, value);

This is on a fresh clone from the master branch, for some reason it’ll do it all day long on 2.0.7 for me. Evidentially nobody else has this problem or I guess we would have heard by now :)

Please use the patched download offered on this site.

Use the zip package you mean? I use git for my projects so it would make sense to me to use the master branch… but yes, the admin.js from the zip works fine as well.

It’s strange to me that the master doesn’t have this patch.

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