

I am new to Symphony. I was attempting to run through the Hello World tutorial to get rolling with building Sections. When I went to the sections page, I have no “Add Item” link next to the drop down under fields on the new section screen. Any help as to how to fix this would be much appreciated. Go easy on me, I am a n00b.

Thanks, JWIL

Attached is a screenshot of what I am seeing.

this is what it should look like.


Yeah that’s what I was seeing the tutorial, but when I access it there just is no add item button, just the gray background. I tried to attach the file of the screen shot but it didn’t look like it attached. Anyone have any ideas why this button would not be there? Thanks in advance for anyone’s help.

What version of Symphony are you using? Do you have any third party extensions installed other than the default list? Are you able to open a JavaScript console (Firefox/Safari) to see any JavaScript errors?

Another question: Are you using Internet Explorer < 8.0?

Unfortunately I am not on the machine right now so I can not check the console, but I will be sure to check when I get home. I am using the latest version of Symphony and I attempted to view the page in Firefox 3.6, Safari 4, Chrome, and IE 8, all to no avail. I do not have any extensions installed. Thanks for your attention to this matter so far.

Ok guys here is the error I am receiving within the console:

XHR finished loading: “http://localhost/symphony/ajax/translate?Add+item=false&Remove+item=false”. symphony.duplicator.js:249Uncaught TypeError: Object has no method ‘bind’

Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.

The first message

XHR finished loading: “http://localhost/symphony/ajax/translate?Add+item=false&Remove+item=false”. symphony.duplicator.js:249

only reports that the language strings for the Symphony admin have been loaded successfully using AJAX. Do you have a code line and script name for the actual error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Object has no method ‘bind’

It is on line 249 of the symphony.duplicator.js file. The error says “TypeError: Result of expression ‘widgets.constructor.bind’ [undefined] is not a function.” Let me know if you need any other information. Thank you again.



I found that cause (probably it occures in Win32 only) - it has been due improper mod_rewrite configuration in .htaccess - therefore AJAX has been sometimes called improperly (thus Apache returned 404 Not Found instead of results).

Please look into .htaccess of your Symphony installation. If there is a line:

RewriteBase /\/

Fix it to just:

RewriteBase /

Once I did it, and reloaded Section editor, the “Add Item” reappeared.

Best regards —Henryk Paluch

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