
Am I right in assuming that there is no xml feed for Dribbble?

It looks like you can get an RSS feed for an individual player, Everyone, or Debuts. But I don’t see anything for Popular.

I don’t have an invitation, so I’m not sure if being logged in makes a difference.

Yeah I’ve seen that, but how do you import that through Symphony? I thought it had to be in xml format.

Yep, RSS is XML. Look at the first line of any of those feeds:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

ok, well that’s what I thought. So by importing the .rss url into Symphony via the DynamicXML DS will work fine?

Yes, it ought to. I see from your other post that’s not the case, so perhaps this issue is not specific to Dribbble? Are you able to pull in other feeds, like Twitter?

Or if you would like to try their API you could use this extension I wrote that will convert a JSON datasource to XML. Otherwise it works the same as a Dynamic XML datasource. It is kind of a pain to use right now, but I plan on making it work much better for Symphony 3.

I use the Linkhashify that Nick Dunn put up for my Twitter feed and that works fine, but I am trying to pull in my Dribbble and Tumblr posts, the Tumblr post actually displays in my Safari using the /rss.xml suffix, but Dribbble doesn’t.

By that I mean:

feed:// - Works

feed:// - Works as .rss feed:// - Doesn’t work as rss.xml

feed:// returns a page not found error if I visit it in firefox.

Why wouldn’t you just use the feed:// link?

Because it thrown up this error:

<dribbble valid="false">
        <error>Request timed out. 6 second limit reached.</error>

Surely it should be http:// and not feed://? Looks like “feed” is a browser pseudo-protocol (like “javascript:” or “about:” that triggers the browser to render it with it’s own XSL/CSS. Symphony (i.e. PHP) won’t know what to do with a link prefixed with “feed://” because, well, it isn’t a link.

@NickToye - like nickdunn said, you should be able to get what you need with using http:// like so…

What I did was put that http into the url bar and it defaulted to feed, hence why I used it.

That new link works fine. Cheers guys.

Oooh, the nuances of browsers eh?! They can be so frustrating at times…

Well for me as a designer, I don’t think like a developer - so sometimes miss the obvious as I am concentrating on the pixels. :)

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