
Hello, If I generate an image using 0, the width of the thumbnail is calculated for me. Like:


But, how do I get the value of that width? so i can put it into the html”

<img src="" width="X" height="Y">


You can’t I’m afraid. Why not leave the width attribute off completely?

Ay, the layout will be quite jQuery-heavy, and javascript needs the dimensions before the image(s) is/are loaded. Waiting for all images to load before layouting is not an option.

I’m familiar with PHP and getimagesize. I could do the calculations myself, I’m just not sure where and how to put the code…

thanks, J

When you get your image from a upload-field it provides the original width- and height. Using some math you can calculate the corresponding height:


<image size="22 KB" path="/uploads/portfolio/images" type="image/jpeg">
    <meta creation="2010-09-28T12:26:18+02:00" width="626" height="202" />


<!-- To calculate the correct height: -->
<img src="/image/2/100/0/5{image/@path}/{image/filename}" width="100">
    <xsl:attribute name="height">
        <xsl:value-of select="round(image/meta/@height * (100 div image/meta/@width))" />
<!-- To calculate the correct width: -->
<img src="/image/2/0/100/5{image/@path}/{image/filename}" height="100">
    <xsl:attribute name="width">
        <xsl:value-of select="round(image/meta/@width * (100 div image/meta/@height))" />

Never underestimate the power of math! ;-)

Ha! One day, I shall be a xslt ninja as well

many thanks! J

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