
For those who didn't notice it on the blog, thanks to Nick Dunn this site now offers an official developer API for Symphony:

Cool, expect me to dive in soon.

Do you know how different the current developer API is from what's planned for Symphony 3? Does it even make sense to start developing for Symphony 2.2 at this point? Or should I hold out until Symphony 3 is released?

The structure of the documentation should be similar. The structure of the code, not so much.

That said, the concepts won't be entirely foreign, so learning how to develop for Symphony 2 will at least give you a head start.

Does it even make sense to start developing for Symphony 2.2 at this point? Or should I hold out until Symphony 3 is released?

Definitely 2.2. I for one don't expect v3 to be released until next year, there's just too much stuff to do.

2.2 is still a little ugly regarding database backend table naming...

Which won't change until Symphony 3.

My new playground!

Definitely 2.2. I for one don't expect v3 to be released until next year, there's just too much stuff to do.

Totally agree here.

2012 is here now, any news for Symphony 3 release? Thanks! :D

2012 is here now, any news for Symphony 3 release?


What was codenamed 'Symphony 3' was shelved in favour of continuing the active development of v2.3 and onwards.

It's not to say that some of the features that were in the v3 alpha won't make their way into the main development, from what I've seen of the active development, there have been some influences so far.

Thanks all for kind reply. One important feature from S3 I need is: "The naming of DB tables will be much more human-readable in Symphony 3." as in below post by michael-e:

Will this be moved to V2.3 now?

Have you seen Nick’s Entity Diagram extension, xeoshow? It’s a must-have tool for learning which database tables correspond to fields and sections. :)

Will this be moved to V2.3 now?

Don't believe so.

Check out Database Section Views if you want to simplify things.

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