
I have install #1 with Symphony 2.2 (cloned when it was finally released) and Multilingual Field, among other extensions.
I also have install #2 with almost same configuration, with Symphony 2.2 cloned last evening.

In each install I have a News section with exact same fields: Publish Tabs, Mulilang Text, Mulilang Text, Mulilang Text, Order Entries, Checkbox, Unique File Upload, Date, Mulilang Text, Mulilang Text.

The catch is that on install #2 on symphony/publish/news listing all events, somehow the function displayPublishPanel from multilingual_field/lib/field.multilingual.php gets called without any obvious reason.

On install #1 I don't have this problem, displayPublishPanel doesn't get called. Any ideas why that might happen?

It should get triggered only when editing entries, not on the listing page.


displayPublishPanel gets called for Order Entries as well on install #2 while on install #1 it doesn't.

Update 2

I replaced symphony folder from install #2 with symphony folder from install #1 but the issue persists.

Update 3

Copy + pasted all extensions from install #1 and it works.
Multilingual Field is responsible for the suspect calls. Publish Filter is responsible.

The problem is that Multilingual Field loads its .js asset with this function and messes all JS in the page (Order Entries, Publish Filter etc)

Publish Filtering calls the displayPublishPanel method for all fields in a section, when you view the table of entries. It shouldn't call it anywhere else. I don't really understand the problem you're having.

What exactly is and is not working when you have Publish Filtering installed?

Are you saying that the multilingual field is loading assets on the entry table page when it should not be? If so then this is a bug that needs to be be fixed with that extension. Does your proposed fix in the other thread resolve the issue? Other than that, I don't really understand the problem.

(PS. Could you try and keep the reports to one thread only? It's now mentioned simultaneously here, in the Publish Filtering thread, and the Multilingual Field thread. It's difficult to keep track of. Thanks!)


Sorry for the multiple threads... I tried to ask each developer a simple question so I can understand the inner workings and see where the fix should go.

Multilingual field loads the necessary assets via displayPublishPanel() method on line 462 in lib/field.multilingual.php:


I didn't know why that method was called on an index page. Now I do.

Publish Filtering calls the displayPublishPanel method for all fields in a section, when you view the table of entries.

This is the intended behavior of your extension so the fix definitely needs to go in Multilingual field.

Thank you for your time.

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