

I am getting a strange error when trying to add a simple Select Box in one of my sections. Whenever I add some Predefined ValuesI get this:

Unknown column 'sort_options' in 'field list'
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

INSERT INTO `sym_fields_select` (`field_id`, `static_options`,   `allow_multiple_selection`,    `sort_options`, `show_association`) VALUES ('135', 'test1, test2, test3', 'no', 'no', 'no')

What's wrong here? I've already done every update I could possibly do. I'm on the very latest version (2.2.1).

Can anybody help?

P.S: This solution didn't work for me. Problem is still there.

So you have run the update.php? What does the schema of your sym_fields_select look like? The logic in updating from 2.2 to 2.2.1 should have added the sort_options field.

You could add this yourself if you like.

Hi Brendo,

ok, the problem is probably that I imported the database from before the update (which is strange though, because I thought I had been working with version 2.2.1 right from the beginning).

Anyway, the sort_options field is indeed missing in my database (see attached screenshot).

Any idea how to add it?

SQL is not really one of my strengths...


What version was the database brought from? There is quite a number of database related updates that you may have missed.

Not 100% this will work, but if you edit your config.php file and change the symphony => version to what your old version was and then go to update.php you should be able to rerun the updater.

Please backup before trying this!

Hi Brendon,

That did the trick! Works like a charm now. Thanks a lot for your help.

Will put a link in the other thread, just in case somebody else runs into the same issue.

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