
I was wondering what ever happened to Symphony 3? It looked awesome at the time, but I know there were some issues.

Haven't heard too many of the updates from Symposium about the future of Symphony, is there anything else that would be beneficial for the community to know?

I'm a huge fan of Symphony and I want to thank everyone who works hard to make it happen.

I talked a little bit about what was discussed regarding Symphony 3 in my blog article about day 2 of the Symposium (see The History and Future of Symphony). This is my interpretation of Allen's keynote:

Symphony 3.0 beta was released at the time of the last Symposium, representing the system that Allen and Alistair had always hoped to build. In retrospect, it was the wrong approach to completely rewrite the core and break compatibility with version 2, with no planned migration from version 2 to 3. This would mean the loss of all the gains made since the release of 2.0, including the API, extensions, documentation and forum discussions.

So, the plan is to continue building on Symphony 2 and use the Symphony 3 beta system as a proof of concept of some solutions that can be pulled into Symphony 2.

Hopefully, Allen can chime in with the official news about Symphony 3.

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