
Has anyone developed any integration between Symphony and Mint?

I often used them side by side. Which sort of integration do you think of? A different UI for MINT powered by Symphony?

No, definitely not a different interface. One thought came to mind regarding tracking RSS feeds. Other than that, I was curious to find out if anyone had created something that I had not thought of. I love both :-)

I guess you could probably use Mint to log other Symphony-metrics. Figure out which datasources/events are most used, etc.

I guess you could probably use Mint to log other Symphony-metrics. Figure out which datasources/events are most used, etc.

That's what I'm talking about! Mmm...

I believe the latest and greatest tracker is ...

I would like to track RSS subscriptions using the Bird Feeder pepper for Mint.

From what I can tell, this involved including some PHP at the top of the RSS template and modifying the link elements with the addition of a tracking “seed.” Of course, all of this is based on the assumption that you are using a PHP-based template (boo!) rather than XSLT (yay!).

I’ve included the relevant portion of the installation instructions below. How would I go about accomplishing this in Symphony?

Adding Bird Feeder to your Feeds

Completing step 1 below will only collect the necessary data for the Feeds pane 
and the Readers tab integration with User Agent 007. Completing both steps will 
collect additional data necessary for the Seeds pane.

1. Open up each feed template and add the following PHP code block at the top of
the file, replacing "Feed Name" with a label to be used within Mint (if the 
title of your feed is long, it's a good idea to choose something short, like 
"Articles" or "Links". If you offer more than one type of feed (RSS 2.0 and 
Atom) you can differentiate them with this label by including the format in
parenthesis, eg. "Articles (RSS)" and "Articles (Atom)". You will then have the
option to view stats on the individual formats or group them as a single feed
which will appear as just "Articles."):

    define('BIRDFEED', 'Feed Name');
    // WordPress users uncomment the following line
    // $wpdb->select(DB_NAME);

2. Each <item> in your feed has a <link> element. Replace the contents of the
<link> element with the following:

    <?php $BirdFeeder->seed('TITLE_TEMPLATE_TAG', 'LINK_TEMPLATE_TAG'); ?>

In the above code, replace "TITLE_TEMPLATE_TAG" and "LINK_TEMPLATE_TAG" with 
the appropriate tag based on your CMS. Be sure to encode the output of the tag 
to be safe within single quote PHP strings.

Sample Seed for Movable Type:

    <?php $BirdFeeder->seed('<$MTEntryTitle remove_html="1" encode_xml="1" encode_php="q"$>', '<$MTEntryLink encode_xml="1" encode_php="q"$>'); ?>

Sample Seed for Wordpress (you will need to modify wp-atom.php wp-rss.php wp-rss2.php and 
wp-rdf.php located in your Wordpress directory):

    <?php $BirdFeeder->seed(get_the_title_rss(), get_permalink()); ?>

I tried to find a workaround a while ago without success.

I gave up on the Bird Feeder pepper as well and used the Feedback pepper instead, which is, let’s say, strange…

You’d probably get much better results using Feedburner. But I have never tried it.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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