
After an update from Br5 -> 2.0 -> 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2, my section links no longer work. I have images and comments linked to articles and they show up on the site, but the images and comments sections for each entry do not show up in the admin area (always shows '->0' in the column even when there should be something linked) and I cannot link new ones.

Was this cut from the system after 2.0?


As far as I know, it still works from the frontend but not from the backend. I hacked up a fix for it a while ago but then gave up and just converted everything over to Select Box Links.

Makenosound is right: After being deprecated for a long time, the Section Link Field is finally broken in the backend. I had to re-build hundreds of links using Select Box Links.

Good to know! I'll stop using them and begin the migration. ;-)

Hmm, I wonder how easy the migration of these would be via a script. As far as I can remember, the database schema for the two fields was identical — id, entryid, relationid. Therefore once the SBL link field is installed, perhaps a script could replace one with the other.


It is fairly straight forward. You need to do a couple of things:

  1. Open up sym_fields and change any "sectionlink" typed fields to "selectbox_link"
  2. Copy the records from tbl_fields_sectionlink to tbl_fields_selectbox_link. There just needs to be to be an entry for each Select Box Link field, with the appropriate field_id, in tbl_fields_selectbox_link
  3. Optionally delete the old tbl_fields_sectionlink table

That should do it. See how you go. Don't worry too much about the additional fields in tbl_fields_selectbox_link, since you can always resave the section + fields via the Symphony admin to populate it. The important thing is to make sure there is a record with the correct field_id

Oh, I should also mention that the sym_fields_selectbox_link table has a field called related_field_id which is the field ID your Select Box Link points to. Make sure this remains intact when you move data from tbl_fields_sectionlink

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