
I know this is a bit of a strange question, but I promise I have a good use case. I want to use a datasource to filter on the month value of a date field, but not the year or the day. What might be syntax look like for this? I thought that


would work fine, even when $year or $day don't have values... but that doesn't seem to be the case. Any other ideas? Thanks for your help.

It's not currently supported unfortunately, a single value will be treated as the year. It's definitely possible though as months are generally 1-2 digits, not 4 (although having said this that would not be true for years 1-12).

I imagine being able to filter by month is a much more common scenario that filtering by the year 1-12.

Could you open an issue?

Seems that the Date field supports regular expression filtering. Might something like this work?


Hopefully this would resolve to a regex such as this for January:


Which would hopefully find entries where the date starts with (^) four numbers ([0-9]{4}) followed by a hyphen and your month, followed by another hyphen.

I say hopefully because I haven't tried it...

I'm not sure how the filter deals with the curly braces for the regex quantifiers. If that doesn't work you can try something like


or not as strict


See and

Thanks so much guys, this worked perfectly! I was even able to get the month variable to not be required by using an asterisk.


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