
Is there any interest in renaming the old File Manager extension to File Browser and releasing it as an extension for 2.3?

I always found it very useful for quickly making a folder or speedy edit of css file on the fly.

I know this kind of approach breaks Version control practices, but not all live site adhere to strict version control and a File Browser in the backend is just handy.

I've updated the code to 2.3 on a private bitbucket repo for my own use, but will happily move it to github if there is interest in having it around?

It's not a crazy complicated extension and it could to with someone looking at the breadcrumb side of things as I got a bit lost with how to build the new 2.3 breadcrumb API method.

I would also like to see this extension revived. Please make it public, it would be very helpful.

Aye thats the fella. I've updated the code to 2.3 but wasnt sure if a name change was in order? Or is it worth asking @iwyg to change the name on his extension instead.

It was confusing when @iwyg used the same name for an extension that did something completely different to the original — not good form at all, in my opinion.

I'm grabbing the popcorn and recommending you guys fight over it. Technically, the extension you're working on had the name first.

I did mention this myself, and was basically told that as the old one hadn't received updates, it was fair game.

Really crap response IMO, as we already had a File Manager. The new extension needs renaming.

@iwygs extension may be better named as an Entry File Manager or something.

Basically, I've got new code updated for 2.3 for the original filemanager so looking for advice as to what to do with it?

Send pull request to org repo then?

extension naming conflict still exists though.. couple of beer and popcorn Tony :)


Looking at @iwygs repo, It seems to be a field type, so FileManager Field may be better.

I vote for the latter. But it's not up to me.

I'll raise a ticket on his repo and pose the question.

Has there been any progress on this? Meanwhile, moonoo2, would you mind uploading the updated version somewhere?

I raised an issue on @iwyg's repo but no reply as of yet.. ill move my filebrowser repo over from bitbucket to here... i'll rename everything back to filemanager before I upload though.. breadcrumbs still need some work.

Hey @qnn,

I've put the inital code here:

I didn't have time to change it back to filemanager yet.. I have @iwygs extension installed locally in same project and didn't want to mess it up yet.

Let me know if it's of any use... I added .less as a permitted file format for my own use.. you may want to remove this.. and the breadcrumb stuff still needs sorting.

tahanks! I'll take a look... This is really useful extension - saves a lot of time...

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