4 June 2012
Third Party Integration



  • Version: 0.1.2
  • Author: Jon Mifsud
  • Build Date: 2012-06-04
  • Requirements: Symphony 2.3


  1. Download the OAuth extension and upload the oauth folder to the extensions folder.
  2. Enable the extension by selecting OAuth in the list and choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.
  3. For Any oAuth that you intend to use add in the Application Code and Secret; and if required you can also add a scope
  4. If you would like oAuth to be used as a main-login select an oAuth Provided to be used as main - this will output an event showing if the user is logged in.

Use / Instructions

Best to refer to the Repo as this will be changing a bit often since it is in experimental stage right now.

However basics as of now are - attaching an Event to an authorize Symphony Page which has a source parameter. Then use the oAuth data-sources to generate your authorization links, once authorized users will be redirected to homepage (index).


There is currently a small issue with logging out users - hope to fix this soon. But you are welcome to point out any issues that you encounter or modifications that you would like to see.


This is currently in experimental phase and there might be some changes when updating however I will try to keep back-ward compatibility in the sense any update should help fill in any missing things. However production usage just yet is not recommended.


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2.7.10 Unsure
2.7.9 Unsure
2.7.8 Unsure
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2.7.4 Unsure
2.7.3 Unsure
2.7.2 Unsure
2.7.1 Unsure
2.7.0 Unsure
2.6.11 Unsure
2.6.10 Unsure
2.6.9 Unsure
2.6.8 Unsure
2.6.7 Unsure
2.6.6 Unsure
2.6.5 Unsure
2.6.4 Unsure
2.5.4 Unsure

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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