
Since the hard work was already done, it was relatively simple to port the calendar templates I created last year to Symphony 2 and make them available to the Symphony admin interface layout. Colours and styles have been updated to fit more closely with the Symphony brand and are now contained in a single CSS file that can be loaded as needed. However, to do this, I had to bypass the default Symphony forms.css file.

Next, I want to see whether I can create Gantt charts.


Updated the ensemble from Symphony 2 Beta Revision 5 to Symphony 2.0 (zip download). It also includes a brief introduction to Symphony that provides a quick tour of the system.

Excellent! Someone was asking about this yesterday. Good timing to have it appear the next day :D

Cool. Nice to be in sync with collective web development unconscious.

Stephen -

You are amazing! Thanks so much for making all of the ensembles available! Also, thanks for your help in the forums. Since, I'm still learning everyday more about XSLT, it's been great to look at the code you've contributed (along with Allen, Alistair, Scott, Lewis, Dru, River, Czheng, and everyone else who contributes), it's been a tremendous help with me growing in best practices.

Thanks so much!


Amen! It's amazing beeing around with you guys! I completly join bzerangue's words! Awesome community!

Brian, I've been learning as I go. So whether or not my ensembles can be used as an example of best practices is another matter. I've only created them as examples of what works, but I'm sure they can be greatly improved upon. In fact, I'd like to see how they can be improved upon, such as the scalability problems I foresee for the Projects ensemble.

I've always wanted to have a library of sites or modular pieces that I can snap together. So, Symphony gives me a way to start building a library of commonly used elements that can be assembled as needed.

Plus, I've benefited from the work of so many people, it's seems the natural thing to share what I'm learning.

Thanks so much bauhouse

I'm the one who was asking Allen about it yesterday, so it was perfect (or at least coincidental) timing :)

Can't wait to try it out.

The current class was not being applied to the days of the year, so the calendar was correctly displaying the current month, but not the current day. Here is the updated ensemble.

(Or just replace the calendar-year.xsl page template since the calendar relies only on a single static data source, Calendar, that hasn't changed. Everything else is XSLT.)

Calendar Ensemble 0.2

Updated the ensemble from Symphony 2 Beta Revision 5 to Symphony 2.0 (zip download). It also includes a brief introduction to Symphony that provides a quick tour of the system. (See above)

Calendar Ensemble 0.3

I updated my Calendar ensemble to be compatible with version 2.0.3. This time, I’ve tried to work as much as possible with Git to include submodules for extensions dependencies and the install files have been merged from the Symphony 2.0.3 GitHub files.

The system navigation bar has been included, but I was never able to figure out how to get it to work without pushing the #usr div with the username and logout links down, activating the scroll bars. To turn it on, change the setting to “on” in the system-navigation.xsl utility:

<xsl:param name="system-navigation-switch" select="'on'"/>

If anyone has any ideas to fix the CSS to prevent scroll bars on short pages, let me know.

@bauhouse -

Stephen, are you still maintaining this ensemble? I tried to install Calendar Ensemble 0.3, but the install page won’t come up. It’s quite weird. When I go directly to the install page, it’s says that I have to at least have MySQL 4.1. The crazy thing is that I have MySQL 5 on my local machine. Plus, I have several other sites running off of Symphony 2.06 on my local machine.


Hmmm. I think I have a local copy that I was in the process of updating to Symphony 2.0.6. If I remember correctly, I experienced something similar and thought it was pretty strange. I was planning to going through my old ensembles, including the Calendar ensemble, and update them for 2.0.7 when I have finished updating my personal site. I’ve run into some extension compatibility issues, which was one of the main reasons I wanted to go through the exercise: testing 2.0.7RC2.

The latest version that I have doesn’t actually require any data sources, since it pulls the XML from a flat file using an xsl:import instruction. I also wanted to update it to use the most recent version of the date-time utility. If you need it sooner than later, I can commit what I’ve got to GitHub.

that would be great. i’m trying to build a calendar functionality on my employer’s site. as soon as you’re able to commit what you’ve got, that would be huge. whatever works best for your schedule. thank you so much for responding. this is so helpful.

@bzerangue, I’ve tried to update the old calendar ensemble to Symphony 2.0.7, but the deprecated Section Link field that it uses is causing a lot of issues. The best I could do was update it to 2.0.6. The calendar itself doesn’t need the Section Link extension, so you can reuse the templates and CSS as you like.

Sorry, you’ll also need the link to the repository. Pull the following branch from GitHub:

Calendar Ensemble 0.5

I’ve got the Calendar Ensemble updated for Symphony 2.0.7 now. The issues were unrelated to the calendar templates, which are exactly the same as before.

All the upgrade issues had to do with data sources using the deprecated Section Link field for the site menus, sections and pages to demonstrate rebuilding the Symphony admin on the front end and adding the ability to edit multiple entries. I’ve pulled the changes into the master repository now.

Awesome! Thanks Stephen!

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