
I have markdown extra working in the backend and through a frontendform/event, on a local machine.

When I put the site live, markdown extra stops working.

Has anyone experienced this, or can hint on how to troubleshoot this?

@allen, I have sent you a mail through the form with login

How can “Markdown not work on frontend-form”? Symphony simply saves the mardown and parses it every time the DS is executed…

Are you sure you’ve selected “Text - formatted” in your DS?

Thats why it puzzles me so.
Mind that markdown works, but markdown extra doesnt (its a difference)

Are you sure symphony parses it every time the DS is executed? I assumed it parses it upon an entry save, and then stores the original and the result of the parse in 2 seperate tables in the DB.

I am not excluding the error at cause is something outisde markdown, so I hope Allen could have a look.

the specific scenario:

I have ##headers {#clasname}, when they are saved with my frontendform the {#clasname} is not converted by markdown extra and so it wrongfully prints it {#clasname} inside the h2 tag

Have done some research;

I think that markdown extra not workign migth be due to the fact that non brakign spaces might be added after the header notations;
If you put this:

# Hoofding 1 {#header1}    

Into the dingus

it indeed brakes the class-effect…

So this behaviour could be related to the unexpected nbsp chartacters thread

Yet firebug doesn’t reveal the nbps in the textarea(when editing), as it does reveal them in the above thread.


OK it seems that on my local install a formatted DS os formatted and an unformatted one is unformatted.

edit: this is not true

the problem remains simply that markdownextra class notation doesnt work on forntendforms

I have found out it does work on an older life dev site on the same server, but not on this latest install. So it’s up to me to find out by deduction what in my xslt is causing markdown to fail.

newcomer MacRonin on IRC was so smart to ask me about javascript interaction: It was a textarea jquery script that caused the markdown not to work on the textarea.
More precizely inline JS needs to be served as html not xml in a live environment to work.

Any more on this? I have a site live, and I’m using CKeditor as the formatter.. it adds Nbsp; after 2 or more spaces in paragraphs.. is there a way to ensure that these nbsp; get rendered correctly when outputted in the front end?

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