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Closed#178: Localisation: Strings not exposed to translation

There are strings in the backend which haven’t been wrapped in the translation function yet, thus causing localisations to be incomplete or at least partially working. I tracked down those strings, so that they are easier to spot.

**1**. `content.systemauthors.php`:
*89*: “With selected…”
*90*: “Delete”
*94*: “Apply” **2**. `content.blueprintssections.php`:
*325*: “Navigation Group <i>Choose only one. Created if does not exist</i>” **3**. `content.blueprintsdatasources.php`:
*709*: “Delete”

Could you please make those fixes? Thank you.

Some of the core extensions are affected by the same problem.

**1**. `export_ensemble/extension.driver.php`:
*200*: “Export Ensemble”
*208*: “<strong>Warning: It appears you do not have the “ZipArchive” class available. Ensure that PHP was compiled with <code>–enable-zip</code>”
*212*: “Create”
*217*: “Packages entire site as a <code>.zip</code> archive for download.”

Note: export_ensemble/installer.tpl contains strings too, but I have doubts as to whether they can be exposed to translation.

**2**. `maintenance_mode/extension.driver.php`:
*118*: “Enable maintenance mode”
*121*: “Maintenance mode will redirect all visitors, other than developers, to the specified maintenance page.” **3**. `jit_image_manipulation/extension.driver.php`:
46: “JIT Image Manipulation”
48: “Trusted Sites”
53: “Leave empty to disable external linking. Single rule per line. Add * at end for wild card matching.”

I don’t know if it was necessary, but I attached diff files for both core and extensions fixes. Ciao! :)

maintenance_mode.diff, jit_image_manipulation.diff, export_ensemble.diff and backend.diff

Thanks for the list eKoeS. I sent some patches for these issues a while ago before the release of version 2.0.6. Re-sent some of them just yesterday via GitHub.

Thanks for the list eKoeS. I sent some patches for these issues a while ago before the release of version 2.0.6. Re-sent some of them just yesterday via GitHub.

Ops, sorry! :) In the bug tracker I didn’t find any mention of that, that’s why I opened a new ticket.

That’s just fine - hope this will be integrated soon :)

Re-sent some of them just yesterday via GitHub.

Strange, I have not been receiving them. Also, nothing of yours has been showing up in the Github fork queue. Can you give me a link to the commits in your forked copy?

Of course, but the pull request do not cover everything eKoeS mentioned:

  1. Select Box Link
  2. Maintenance Mode

I mentioned a few other issues with localisation over in the other thread:

  1. Currently the distribution of language files is inconsistent: while the select_box_link offers a lang folder with German translations the other core extensions do not. The Symphony core does not offer any languages besides English. In my opinion at least all core extensions should contain their own language files (we currently have Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, German, Italian and Russian) as these only contain a few strings and this is the place the translations strings belong. Concerning the Symphony core it would be desirable to either have the files integrated in the download package as well or have a list of available files in the readme linking to the related repositories.
  2. A missing feature when talking about localisation is language selection: Symphony currently does not allow to set languages either system wide or on a per user base. Localisation Manager tries to solve this problem but the implementation is hackish and not stable. In my opinion this is something Symphony has to offer out of the box: if there is more than one language available to the system, it should automatically add a selection to the preference pane and to the author profiles. If there is no option for language selection in the core distribution we shouldn’t release language files at all.
  3. I mentioned this idea months ago in a thread but can’t find it anymore: it would be nice if Symphony either completely replaces the current use of the date() function with strftime() or at least uses the latter for the backend display of dates. This way the backend would be completely translatable.
  4. The data source editor needs to be tested extensively with different language setups as there seem to be some logic bugs with translations in the editor behaviour.
  5. There seems to be an issue with translations on the front-end (this affects the maintenance mode).
  6. All localisation files should be proof-read.

What would be the best way to address these issues?

I could offer my help for preparing the language files for the core extensions and if desired for the core as well (#2) - I would be good to know which where translations should be integrated. I could also organise that the localisation files will be proof-read (#7). I can also test the data source editor for mentioned problems and provide patches (#5).

How could #3, #4 and #6 be solved? They are quite crucial in my opinion.

Sent two pull requests:

  1. Added missing calls to translation function to the core:
  2. Implement global language selection if more than one language is available:

Here are others:

**4**. `field.textarea.php`
*236*: “Text Formatter” **5**. `content.blueprintsdatasources.php`
*692*: “Update cached result every ’ . $input->generate(false) . ’ minutes”

These things should all be fixed in the integration branch.

These things should all be fixed in the integration branch.

Except the last two, yes, thank you! :)

I’ve found some other missing strings throughout the integration branch. Perhaps the team will care about handling those strings in the near future before the stable 2.0.7 release. However, I think this thread could be a good reference to report localisation-related issues, so I’ll keep posting in here.

**6**. `include.install.php`
*1206*: ‘Make sure that you delete '.kINSTALL_FILENAME.' file after Symphony has installed successfully.’ **7**. `content.blueprintssections.php`
*122*: ‘Name’
*137*: ‘Navigation Group <i>Created if does not exist</i>’

Fixed in the integration branch. Thank you Nils!

This issue is closed.

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