
"Resize and crop" is working fine in my test installations. But, just like MrBlank, I do not get background colors to work.

MrBlank's Symphony 1.7 example in this post is not working correctly either. It is not adding any background color, but just rescaling the image.

As far as I remember, background colors must consist of 6 digits, like "ffffff".

This is what I know at the moment. Waiting for Alistair now. :-)

Well at least we've all been able to reproduce the problem and have offered some solid examples.

Like you say, just waiting for Alistair now ;-)

It must be a bug. I'll add it to the bug tracker.

@MrBlank I had a look in the bug tracker to see if you'd remembered to add it and I found this: Is this not the same bug and it's been in the bug tracker for almost a year? It's frustrating when something that worked so well in 1.7, that is pretty much essential, and is at the end of the day just using the PHP GD library under the hood doesn't work properly. We have a site right now at my firm coming to completion (S2 came out proper just as we began it) and we have black bars on the cropped images and it's embarrassing for us and for Symphony actually, a CMS we promoted to the client over his loud protestations of "But I've heard that Drupal is where it's at..blah di blah di blah". If any developer is out there, when can we expect a remedy or does any one no a cure for this wee problemo..?

I need this to work tomorrow, so probably I'll look into it.

@almacmillan: The image manipulation function in Symphony is a standalone php file: image.php. You should be able to replace the image.php with the one in v1.7.

@almacmillan: It's true that bug is part the issue. There's more to it than that, though.

I'm just trying to figure out what the image function in S2.1 is supposed to do. What worked in S2b5 doesn't work anymore. I'm just confused.

Apologies for not getting to this sooner. I shall do so today.

I think a lot of the confusion is coming from the fact that Image mode 2 does not accept a background value. The idea is that it should "crop to fill", as opposed to mode 3 which is "crop to fit".

The black banding you get on a mode 2 operation is a bug. The reason it is black is that when the destination canvas is created, it is filled with black by default with the intention of covering the whole lot with image data.

I have abstracted the image manipulation code form Symphony and converted it into a standalone Symphony extension. This will help with keeping it up to date, and allow changes without the need to release a Symphony 2 point update.

When I have finished the extension and have it under git control, I will post a link here.

Woot! Thanks for the update. Sounds good. :-)

Thanks for getting on to this one Alistair... do you have any idea when your new solution will be ready? I'm trying to get a site finished for a client and this is one of two outstanding issues.

Any update on your extension Alistair?

The problem is trickier to fix than I had hoped. Working on it today. I have moved the built in image manipulation functionality to a dedicated extension, as I said I would, which you can grab from

The plan is to keep working on it, hopefully fixing the bugs, without the need to keep releasing Symphony patches. Anyone that would like to contribute, please feel free.

I will keep you posted on the bug fixing.

Out of interest: What does the jit in the extension name stand for?

I may be wrong, but i think that in this case, jit means Just-In-Time and is used in the same sense as JIT compilation or JIT manufacturing :).

@Alistair In the notes for the extension it says that it requires Symphony 2.0.2 or later. Can I assume therefore that 2.0.2 is landing soon?

Out of interest: What does the jit in the extension name stand for?

What ahwayakchih said. :)

In the notes for the extension it says that it requires Symphony 2.0.2 or later.

It should work with 2.0.1, but since the original image manipulation exists in 2.0.1, I thought 2.0.2 would be fitting.

Can I assume therefore that 2.0.2 is landing soon?

Yup. Today/Tomorrow I hope. (I know, I keep saying that, but I'm sure this time.)

You've been Rrrrrick Rolled!

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