
I just used the search function for the first time and couldn’t figure out the following: How can I search for two words that should both be contained in the shown results? I tried wrapping them in quotes and linking them with a +, but always got results containing either the first or second word, not both.

Is there a chance to get these files back?

Hmm, the links should have been converted when I did an import. Ill need to troll through and see which ones did not.

How can I search for two words that should both be contained in the shown results?

Sorry Johanna, at the moment you cannot. We are looking at improving the search feature soon. Currently it only uses the MySQL simple keyword searching. There is no additional logic applied on top of that, or ability to do phrase searching.

If I enter code as the first portion of my post it doesn’t get transformed into a code block. (with this post)

Yeah, thats a Markdown bug AFAIK. Existed on the vanilla forum as well.

@Alistair: I would love to know how the search function works. Maybe you could describe the basics?

When the new forum sees an underscore in a code block it will think that the content afterwards should be italic, and the underscore is removed. This will potentially break the code that is posted.

See for an example.

@carsten: Markdown is supposed to do that. There is a way to escape characters in these special cases.

Markdown syntax info.

No. Markdown won’t do this in code blocks. I guess it happened during conversion of the old forum to the new one.

Here’s an example: code_with_underscores.

I guess it happened during conversion of the old forum to the new one.

Hmm, the old forum data was just passed through Markdown. Nothing fancy. Re-saving that particular comment will not fix the problem, suggesting it’s nothing to do with the import but rather the way Markdown is formatting.

Please could you add the RSS feeds into the meta so they appear in the browser bar? I didn’t realise there was an RSS feed until Nick pointed me in the right direction.

Which of the 5 feeds do you want linked?

Just the forum one in the forum please :-)

Which of the 5 feeds do you want linked?

Why don’t you link the feeds based on the page context (forum feed on the forum page, extension feed on the extension page etc.)

Actually if you link all of them then the user will get a choice like on this site:

has anyone run into this one yet: loadXML(): PCDATA invalid Char value 3 in Entity, line: 65

it was my first comment on the thread about translating xslt into other templating languages


I cannot navigate the extensions list at, the next and prev links show like this:

and lead to the same first page you see when navigating to the list in the first place.

I looked through this thread, but couldn’t find any mention of this problem. I’m using FF 3.x on Linux.

Edit: I noticed now that there’s two different URLs to get to the extensions listing, the one without /extensions/ at the end works. That’s the one linked to from the /downloads/ page, the other wrong one with /extensions/ at the end is linked to from the start page.

When clicking “[x] new” to go to new posts, if a post is at “position-21” (which should be on page 2), you are taken to page 1.

#position-21 doesn’t exist on page 1, it should be page 2.

AFAIK, this happens on the first post of all pages other than page 1.

I think this is because you are not counting the first post in a discussion. Instead of using $read-replies you should use the total comments:

    <xsl:variable name="next-unread-comment-page" select="1 + floor($read-discussions/@comments div 20)"/>

This is just a guess though as I can’t see the XML ;)

@sirlancelot: thanks for picking that up and you’re right on the money with the bug.

@thorstenpeh: thanks, the link on the overview page has been updated.

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