
So, after playing around with this a little more, here’s what works best:

mkdir extensions
cd extensions
git init
git remote add origin git://
git pull origin members
git submodule update --init

This way, you avoid checking out a mess of empty directories from the master repository.

The available sets are:

Updated: now includes Members, Export Install File, Library (ConfigurationAccessor class), Shell. (120 extensions.)


FYI… I’m getting the following when I go to update the directory with git submodule update --init

fatal: reference is not a tree: 538321598cd628df433390994f219b9387796dec
Unable to checkout '538321598cd628df433390994f219b9387796dec' in submodule path 'export_ensemble'

NOTE: I used your suggestion here, to side step this error for the time being.

You’re right, bzerangue. I didn’t test the members branch properly. This should be fixed now. I think it was still referencing Alistair’s original Export Ensemble extension in the index.

Just be aware that the members branch of the Extensions Library is using a non-standard version of the Export Ensemble extension in order to include the members tables in the install.sql files.

Symphony Extensions Ensemble

For those who don’t want to wait for git submodules to update or would rather just download a ZIP file, I’ve created a Symphony Extensions Ensemble that includes version 2.0.6 of the Symphony core, the default workspace and 120 extensions.

Git submodules are such a major pain if you want to change a submodule to reference a different path or a different repository, primarily because Git does not have a proper way to delete submodules. It involves a process of manually deleting submodules from the .git/config file. Two cases in point:

  • Color Chooser Field
  • XML Select Box

I have updated the Color Chooser Field, since the path needed to change from symphony_color_chooser to color_chooser_field.

I have also updated the XML Select Box to point to nickdunn’s repository instead of tonyarnold’s. The unfortunate consequence of this is errors such as the following when running a git submodule update --init:

From git://
   6732611..5304ecd  master     -> origin/master
fatal: reference is not a tree: a6da6b9282db4ad4f41a3cd720607a0f8b7a98d1
Unable to checkout 'a6da6b9282db4ad4f41a3cd720607a0f8b7a98d1' in submodule path 'xml_selectbox'

Since the .git/config file does not get updated, this has to be done manually. I’d call this a big Git bug. So, if you run into any of these problems, just make sure your .git/config file matches the list of submodules at the bottom of the README file and remove the offending/deprecated extensions with something like this:

rm -r -f xml_selectbox
rm -r -f symphony_color_chooser

Then, you should be safe to run the update:

git submodule update --init

Edit: By the way, I’ve also update the Page Templates Extension to the latest.

Added Medium Text Area extension to library.

This compendium of extensions is a big help Stephen. Thanks!

That’s what I should have called it: “compendium”. Glad you find this helpful, @wjnielsen.

Just noticed that Alistair updated the Shell extension to version 0.3. The “compendium” has been updated.

You’ve been talking to bzerangue. He was giving me a hard time about “compendium” from atop my cubical wall. ;-)

Compendium is a fine word. We should all use it more often. ;-)

Added Cron and Date and Time Field.

Added Character Counter Textarea and Character Counter Text Input extensions.

Updated Multiselect to Checkboxes extension.

Updated Publish Notes Field and added DatabaseManipulator

Updated Database Synchroniser and XML Select Box extensions

Updated Character Counter Text Input field

@bauhouse: Is there a way for us to tweak the .gitmodules file to pull the Beta version of Mediathek instead of the old version?

You could create your own branch, then merge updates from master.

cd /path/to/extensions
git checkout -b mycollection
cd mediathek
git checkout -b beta
git pull origin beta
cd ..
git add mediathek
git commit -m "Pull Beta version of Mediathek instead"

Then, switch to master to pull in any of the updates to the extension library and merge changes into your collection.

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout mycollection
git merge master

The .gitmodules file tells where to find the submodule. However, the commit id is stored in the index. So, you need to be able to point to a different commit to be able to pull in the beta branch.

Just a small wish: While you may of course discuss ways to pull the beta version, please do not include Mediathek 2.0 in this bundle until its update procedure and documentation have been improved. Thanks!

I’ll try my best to clean up things over the next weeks but until then the beta should be treated as what it is supposed to be: an unreleased preview.

Edit: Okay, bauhouse posted faster :)

Thanks. I did not mean to cause any trouble. I agree that it would be best to treat it like a beta until its ready. Thanks Nils and bauhouse!

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