
are you planning to integrate a DELETE method as well? … Shoudn’t this be named PUT?

Was just talking to Nick about this the other day… In my earlier experiments with writing up a API, I discovered that Symphony’s back end wouldn’t respond to PUT or DELETE requests. I”ve been meaning to talk to Alistair about it, but I think that’s why in Nick’s version there’s no mention of DELETE and updating is done via POST.

That, and I’ve never used anything other than POST and GET so wouldn’t know where to start ;-)

Where does Symphony check $_SERVER[’REQUEST_METHOD’] ?

That, and I’ve never used anything other than POST and GET so wouldn’t know where to start ;-)

I just thought it’s called a PUT method (even if it’s a POST request).


Has there been any more progress on this extension? It seems like way too cool an idea to die in its alpha-stage of life! :)

I agree. I would love to help out getting an ATOM implementation of this.

Nick and I are scheduled to chat about this soon… among many, many other things.

Yes indeed. I have some thoughts I need to get down on paper first.

Just for reference as to what each HTTP Method does

If this can all be done fully, then I reckon we could do things similar to (Rails app). They don’t even implement a fully RESTful API!

I know it goes against the basic philosophy, but is there any reason that one couldn’t architect a system to simply output via an API, then skip all the XSLT/templating/URL generation/etc. and just CURL the data you need into PHP pages and format as needed?

This seems like an ideal way for me to handle syndication across multiple domains.

I know it goes against the basic philosophy, but is there any reason that one couldn’t architect a system to simply output via an API, then skip all the XSLT/templating/URL generation/etc. and just CURL the data you need into PHP pages and format as needed?

Which is precisely what this extension does…

Apologies Nick, this was my first comment on the site, after about five minutes of reading up on Symphony and your Extension. I believe I should have said “via this API Extension” as opposed to “via an API”. At any rate, I’ve got Symphony installed, and I’m pretty excited about getting down to business. Nick, your name keeps popping up as the author of nearly everything I search for, so a prefatory “thank you” as I can tell you’ve already offered solutions to a good deal of the problems I’ll need to solve.

Is there any further progress made on this extension. It is exactly what I need!

Not yet, but once Symphony 2.2 is released then I want to finish this off:

  • fetch, create, update, edit and delete entries
  • authors (fetch, not sure it needs create/update)
  • sections (as above)

I stopped short of adding proper user access because I thought this might be in Symphony 2, but since it’ll be in Symphony 3 then will need a slightly different solution for this extension. Not too much left.

Out of interest, what are you using this for?

Indeed! Are there also thoughts on implementing token based api requests? :)

Could you elaborate?

api code + secret key + some magic -> token (generated from requestor and server)

= secure transactions

hum? hope that makes sense :)

so first you would request an initial token from the server, then do the magic on your server (the server does the magic as well) then a second request will be sent with the magic new token and if it’s the same like the server has then it will provide the data!

Blockquote Out of interest, what are you using this for?

I develop iPhone applications and am looking to use Symphony to serve data to the application. Providing data out of Symphony will allow me to easily setup web interfaces so my clients can manage the data and also some want data displayed to the public on a website.

I’ve setup pages which output the required information in xml which is read and displayed on the iPhone.

What I need is a way to POST data from the phone into Symphony. I’m playing around with POST but can’t get it to work. It seems to me that this API extension would suit my needs perfectly (especially seeing it is much easier to deal with JSON on the iPhone than XML).

As it is not currently functional could you please advise on how I could achieve getting data into Symphony via HTTP POST requests?

Once I get this all going I figure I’d share the iPhone library I’m currently writing for others who might be looking use Symphony in this same manner.

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