
Strange. I have no such problem. When I change the language, the HTML changed accordingly. Are you using the very latest integration code?

Yeah I used .git to download the zip off the integration branch.

This was an update from 2.0.6 though.

Brendan, did you download the German language extensions? If it’s just a plain 2.0.7 install you will see a language selection because there are some strings bundled with the core extensions (should be Dutch, German, Portuguese and Russian) - so only the parts using the strings of these extensions will be translated. If strings are missing in a language dictionary (as they will for the core in this case), Symphony will always default to English.

Things will also crash if you have an old version of Localisation Manager running.

Is there any say on the release date for 2.0.7? I love to build my new site with it.

On the flipside, how easy/hard is upgrading from 2.0.6?

It seems like Symphony 2.0.7 RC2 has been tagged on GitHub a few hours ago. So if I understood the core team correctly this means 1 or 2 weeks to the final release.

On the flipside, how easy/hard is upgrading from 2.0.6?

Now, that most of the extensions have been updated to respect the changes of Symphony 2.0.7 it should be quite simple (just replace all core files and extensions with the latest code and it should work).

this means 1 or 2 weeks to the final release.

That sounds good, any confirmation on that perhaps? :)

I guess I could wait that while.. altough once got my design ready it might be pushing it ;)

We’re always reluctant to commit to specific dates, but 2.0.7 has been in RC now for a few weeks and seems to be quite stable. I’ve already tried upgrading a fairly large and complex site and it went off without a hitch.

RC2 integrates a couple of new localization changes contributed by Nils and so we’re giving those a little bit of extra time for testing, but I can’t imagine it’ll be all that long.

That sounds great czheng, understand the reluctance to say a date ;)

On the flipside, how easy/hard is upgrading from 2.0.6?

If you are on 2.0.6, as nils mentioned, just replace the core files and extensions like you would any other time you have upgraded. Be sure to run update.php

Should you be on 2.0.7 (before we pulled it and renamed to 2.0.7beta), do as above, but change the version number in your manifest/config.php to be 2.0.7beta before you run the update.php script.

I’m wondering if I’m the only one experiencing an issue with 2.0.7RC2 and the core Textarea field with the Markdown extension where all ampersands are being converted to named character entities, even when part of a block of code (see issue #232). This is making it impossible for me to upgrade my old site to Symphony 2.0.7RC2, since most of my content relies on the ability to reproduce code samples.

Apart from this issue (and an update issue that’s just been resolved for one extension), the Symphony core is working well for me so far. If I can get this issue sorted out, I’ll have another ensemble ready, hopefully by the release of 2.0.7 final.

@bauhouse: I think your problem is related to this discussion.

Nils, this discussion was about the input field (which has been fixed). bauhouse seems to have problems with the textarea field.

I have read the issue on the bug tracker. It might be a Text Box extension problem…

I’m using the core Textarea field, and when I duplicated the install and swapped out the Symphony 2.0.7RC2 core with 2.0.6 and resaved an entry, I no longer had any issues with improperly encoded ampersands in code blocks. I think Nils is right about it being related to the encoding changes described here for text input fields.

I see. I have no such problems with the textarea field on new installations of 2.0.7 RC2, and up to now I have updated only one website (which does not use ampersands in textareas). So I did not see this.

You might have found an update problem which is rather critical to some websites.

I took a look at how the issue was solved for the text input field. I was able to solve the textarea ampersand encoding issue by commenting out line 147 in the core textarea field.

// $result = $this->__replaceAmpersands($result);

Stephen, do you have this issue with old entries (from 2.0.6) or newly created entries?

I have the issue when creating new entries in 2.0.7RC2. I’ve been manually copy/pasting from version 1.5 to 2.0.7RC2, since I’ve changed the section schema and text formatter. I was using Textile. Now, I’m using Markdown. I was thinking about using Rowan’s XML Importer, but decided that the manual route was going to be the best way to test RC2.

I was thinking about using Rowan’s XML Importer, but decided that the manual route was going to be the best way to test RC2.

Just as a sidenote: I’ve been working a lot with the XML Importer over the last weeks and it does a great job. It’s a really powerful tool for importing and updating entries from an external source.

@Stephen: I can not reproduce this. Are you sure that you are using RC2?

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