
Thanks for this guys - I’ve just checked-out to 2.08RC3 and no more errors.

I’ve just updated the extension in response to an issue Ashooner brought up with GitHub where you’d need to rename the folder after installing it. I’ve made the change so it should work just fine now.

Give me a shout if it’s broken.

I am having trouble configuring the editor. I am trying to launch it with the following parameters set in /extensions/wmdeditor/assets/jquery.wmd.function.js

jQuery().ready(function() {
        "preview": true,
        "buttons": "bold italic | link blockquote code | ol ul heading hr",
        "helpLink": "/symphony/extension/biccnet_ui/",
        "helpHoverTitle": "Markdown Dokumentation",

The strange thing is that the editor accepts my settings for helpLink and helpHoverTitle but not for preview and buttons. Any idea?

If memory serves, the only way to get Preview working is to go into the actual WMD JS and not into the little jQuery I have. For some reason, you can’t override the default (which is off).

Yup, same with buttons (preview: true was only for testing purposes). I’ll have a deeper look.

I’m trying to enable this extension but it won’t appear in the extensions list in the backend! I’ve copied the folder to the extensions folder (tried both git clone and regular unzip) but nothing.. I have tried installing other plugins and they show up fine.. Any ideas?

Make sure that the folder name is wmdeditor and not Symphony-WMD-Editor.

Thanks Nick! I suspected the folder name didn’t look right but couldn’t find what it should have been. Cheers.

The latest version should work with Symphony-WMD-Editor. I’ll look into that a bit more.

I just had the same issue (using git submodula add..) as jstar198: the extension only shows up under Extensions when I name it ‘wmdeditor’.

I am using Symphony 2.1.1

Following the unwritten extension naming conventions wmdeditor would be the correct name. So the repository should be named that way as well (GitHub will always add the repo owner and a hash to the download archives so you need to edit the folder name when you are downloading manually).

I was hoping to avoid naming it “wmdeditor” as that is already used a number of times on GitHub. I was hoping to differentiate and let people know this was a Symphony extension.

I’d like to hear the community’s thoughts on this.

I’d prefer if you follow these unwritten extension naming conventions which Nils points out.

It would appear that WMD editor will not load when inside an iframe.. After a bit of Googling it seems this is a long standing problem with no clear fix.. I tried these this solution and this one but neither seemed to work. Anyone here have any ideas?

here’s an issue i was discussing in this thread where wmd editor 1.0.4 under chrome on linux and mac, on attempting to enter any kind of list, does some strange formatting like such:

1. test
 2. List item1.


Yeah… WMD is quite weird when it comes to lists.

Indeed. No idea why it does it, myself, since I didn’t write WMD.

Just brings me back to my wish someone would make a good WYSIWYG editor…

I’m on 2.1.1, seems have to rename the folder “Symphony-WMD-Editor” to “wmdeditor” to make it visible in backstage Extensions list, even “wmd_editor” doesn’t work.

Although I enabled the extension, there still no editor shows up above any textarea field, do I missed anything?

I’m on 2.1.1, seems have to rename the folder “Symphony-WMD-Editor” to “wmdeditor” to make it visible in backstage Extensions list, even “wmd_editor” doesn’t work.


dougoftheabaci: I suggest you renamed the repository to wmdeditor. It’s just fine like that

Although I enabled the extension, there still no editor shows up above any textarea field, do I missed anything?

Did you define the Markdown formatter for the textareas in question?

Oh, phoque, just find I need to modified addScriptToHead and addStylesheetToHead URL to match the extension name change, didn’t read the past thread for clue because in some way I’m testing and evaluating the whole Symphony project, including community activity, haha, the kindness and helpful hands really impressed me, thank you man :)

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