
@retypejonas - Would you mind posting your original XML that you are importing? And also a screenshot of your XML Importer page (with the detail from this specific import)?

Ah i see now.... since i cant really control what comes from their tumblr, can i make the importer correct this?

Would you mind posting a screenshot of your XML Importer page?

@bzerange of course... i'm on a 13" screen so to break it in two parts..

Skärmavbild 2012-02-20 kl. 17.35.13.png

And also two posts it seems... here is part 1. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Source XML: link text

Skärmavbild 2012-02-20 kl. 17.35.01.png

@retypejonas for the description node instead of description/text(), try description/node()

@bzerangue that worked! What did i just do? :)

@retypejonas -

  • text() selects all text node children of the current node.
  • node() selects all children of the current node (which allows you to select the html elements in your posts such as <img/>.

@bzerangue thanks!

Hello, I'm still trying to get xmlimporter working with selectboxlink field.

I'm doing like said by brendo here.

I have one section named Article with textbox named Title and a SBL related to textbox name in section Author.

In author section I have one entry called test.

In xmlimporter I put the author with dc:creator/text() into the SBL of Article Section.

But still the value is none.

Anyone can help me?

Edit : the same thing works with selectbox field.

Hi everyone,

I'm getting the following error on one of my XMLimporters

DOMDocument::loadXML(): Namespace prefix xsi for nil on paymenttypeid is not defined in Entity

However I have defined that namespace for the importer and another XML importer I have is using the same feed URL with the same namespaces (just saving to a different section) and it works fine.

I've tried recreating from scratch but have had no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can you pastebin your XML example, and attach a screenshot of your XML Importer setup?

When I try to create an XML importer, I got through the motions; add the URL, add the included elements etc. then when I press save, all of the fields that I've added clear, leaving the list empty. See:

No log or visible errors.


@liamegan - What version of XML Importer are you using? What version of Symphony are you using?

Sorry, stupid me..

Symphony 2.2.5 XmlImporter 1.1.0

Try deleting the importer and create another one and see if that works

Great that worked, thanks bzerange

So, haha, next problem...

I have a datetime field and in my xml I have dates in the format of 6/24/2002. I've tried:

  • Using a PHP function of strtotime($value)

    This resulted in a null value for the date in the resultant record

  • Using a PHP function of date('j F Y, H:i', strtotime($date))

    This resulted in a date value of 1969 01 01 in the resultant record

  • Using an XML Importer Helper function of:

    static function changeDateForField($date)
        // Create range
        $range = array();
        $range['start'][] = date('j F Y, H:i', strtotime($date));
        $range['end'][] = '';
        return $range;

    This resulted in an error: Unknown column 'Array' in 'field list' INSERT INTO sym_entries_data_29 (entry_id, start, end) VALUES ('412', Array, Array)

What version of the Date/Time field are you using?

Date and time 2.3.2

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