
Have you considered something like Foxycart?

FYI: Wazala is another similar implementation.

@ ibcico

has anyone picked up on your proposal to joint develop, is your shop project still being developed in symphony?

I am considering building a shop too, but with fewer then 100 products and checkout triggering an email (optional entry), no payment integration. (that’s checked and handled offline)
Ofcourse I could opt for clientside checkout with JS, like simplecartjs
If an entry for each checkout is needed, to have an online orderbackend, shopping cart update without reload would be great, I could opt to build a jcart extension rather then the existing cart extension (not sure how to AJAX that one)…

No one has so far.

But we do develop two simultanious versions for ourselves. One in ROR and one in symphony.

In ROR we make much more complicated hosted app, but in symphony we need something that can be quickly deployed and easily managed.

Up to the moment we also dont need any payment processings. Concerning cart, orders, products and the like. I’m personaly waiting for official members release as we need to build up a fully functional customer profile with orders history, delivery, bills, and personal data. When we have it I’ll think about the rest, dont think its a problem.

We are working mostly at interface now simultaniously collecting building blocks and technologies to assemble the application as soon as everything is ready.

Everyone who’s interested welcome!

Is the customer profile really necessary? For my own store I would even consider checking out as guest, so clients dont have to remember another login and password. Filling out their address on each checkout might not be needed because the browser autocomplete for forms.

On the other hand, maybe using the open auth extension or facebook/twitter login, might make it easier for the clients. Check out payvment cart (remembers across facebook and shopsite).Maybe you don’t need the member ensemble if you use facebook signin?

And once payment processing (amazon, gogle checkout, paypal, regular Cc processing,…) do gets added, their backend has all the profile information you wish…

@designermonkey - did you get anywhere with your ensemble? I need to build a site with an on-line ordering system.

I'm still waiting for the Members extension to be fully released, that and I haven't had the time recently to do much of the planning.

I'm looking at options for a browse-able online product catalogue (approx. 1000 products) that also needs to sell to trade customers only; so although anyone can browse the product range with retail prices, trade customers need to have an approved account before they can view trade prices and submit an order.

I created the current site a few years ago in custom PHP/MySQL - was a great learning experience but it's not very maintainable or fresh. Now the client has selling to trade in mind, and I'd like to get it into Symphony if possible.

I'm thinking the browsing and trade customer features as mentioned above would be relatively easy now that the Members extension is released (even though I'm still a Symphony noob and haven't used Members yet - might need to hire a Symphony developer to do some parts), and that the cart/checkout part can be handled by FoxyCart, as TheJester12 previously suggested. FoxyCart doesn't need to know about products; instead, the product information is sent to it when a customer adds a product to their basket via get/post. (The obvious gaping security concern is apparently sorted by something they've come up with called HMAC.)

The FoxyCart approach seems like it should work well with Symphony CMS sites. Any thoughts on this in general or the trade members requirements?

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