
I got a problem with this extension (using symphony 2.2): using markdown formater causes html tags to be escaped :(

Bug? feature?

EDIT: woops, my bad. I "accedently" checked the "HTML-encode text" option in my DS.

Naaa, still escapes html markup

You're saying that the entire output of Markdown is escaped, or that the HTML you enter into Markdown is escaped?

If it's the former, then make sure you've selected 'formatted' mode in your datasource. If you have then it's a bug with the Markdown formatter.

If it's the later, possibly look for this code in field.textbox.php:

// TODO: Remove this for 2.1 release.
else if ($encode) {
    $value = General::sanitize($value);

And comment out the $value = General::sanitize($value); line.

Thank you, I'll give this a try

I really love this extension. Two things that would make it perfect:

  • an optional default value and
  • an optional help text that would be displayed beside the optional label in the editor (Symphony 1.7 like).

Any chances two have features like this added in the future?

Are the delegates broken in the latest release (with symphony 2.2.1)?

This look exactly what I need to preview brief contents (25 characters) on the home page but how do I get the output appear in the XML when debug where the textbox has the option: Show ## characters in preview?

That setting is only for the backend tables. There is a Truncate XSLT utility that will let you limit how many characters are shown on the frontend.

Oh, retrieve a large text and truncate may seem inefficient. I see what I can do about it or "truncated textbox" extension could be a nice idea.

Theoretically it would be possible to expand on this extension so that you could choose a field: truncated element which would only return the first 'x' characters from the MySQL query.

Perhaps you could fork this extension and implement?

After adding this to a new Symphony 2.3 installation I cant access any Sections.

I receive the follwing fatal error:

given integer> Argument $value is not of type string,

/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.general.php around line 1320

I have raised an issue, but hope someone might provide a quick fix?

The Unstable Branch should work with Symphony 2.3.

Awesome. Works great, thanks

Made it official, thanks to everyone who did all my work for me (brendo, klaftertief, nilshoerrmann, mblabs).

The issue tracker on Github is not active for this extension, so I'm posting here:

In Symphony 2.3, the Data Source filter panel doesn't use the new header markup which results in not properly formatted filter titles in the editor.

Same as Nils, lack of GitHub issues has landed me here. Handles aren't being generated for text box field instances that contain the é character on my sites. Not sure where the problem lies, but this is Symphony 2.3.1 and TextBox 2.3.

Also, the character limit counter has never worked properly for me. :(

Also, the character limit counter has never worked properly for me

If you use CKEditor, it will count HTML tags as well. To count the characters, TextBox field should call a method from the text formatter. CKEditor for example would strip HTML tags, decode entities and the return the count of characters.

Please, do you know why text box field's none value is not clickable for entry editing in section's entries list? Other field types have - if they are in the first column and with no value - have a clickable none.

Hi Juro; this should be fixed in the unstable branch of the text-box field. I submitted a patch however it has not been moved onto master yet.

Thanks Gunglien, that did it.

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