
@rowanjl, doesn't GES cost $100/yr? or is there a different one i'm not seeing?

both of those seem out of scope for what i'm working on. the only way you can search the site is if you're logged in.

Where did you get the information that you can only search if you're logged in? Enterprise search is a way to white-label Google's search system for your visitors on your website so if authentication is a requirement then it seems like it defeats the purpose of its service.

@rowanjl, doesn't GES cost $100/yr? or is there a different one i'm not seeing?

There are 2 plans. However the free one does not have a XML result feed. The only customisation the free allow is re-skinning of the Google search page

Where did you get the information that you can only search if you're logged in? Enterprise search is a way to white-label Google's search system for your visitors on your website so if authentication is a requirement then it seems like it defeats the purpose of its service.

I wasn't really sure. I think i just assumed that. I will look into this further then as search is critical for this site.

The Yahoo! BOSS certainly doesn't require the user to be logged in. You just have to be authenticated using a key when making requests to the API. I imagine Google's white label version is similar. how can I play around with this REGEXP? As a very poor programmer any descriptive suggestions for testing this out would be very much appreciated!

So for a medium-sized website that will need very good searching capabilities (cross-section, etc.), does the Symphony team recommend using something like Google? I know there has been talk of sphider-style search extensions, etc. but I imagine those are very far into the future, no?

does the Symphony team recommend using something like Google?

We've used the Google search API on a number of sites successfully and it is always more comprehensive, and much cheaper, than something we could do. I have written an indexing script before, and they are very complex.

I know there has been talk of sphider-style search extensions, etc. but I imagine those are very far into the future, no?

Indeed. They are hard to implement and will never be as comprehensive/fast as Google.

Good to know. That's another 'outstanding question' checked off my list. Thx Alistair.

i was looking further into things with google ces and it only works if your content does not require a login to view it.

how much different would the mysql query be from the search CS in v1.7 to v2?

This worked great for a little bit but now all it finds is spam. Links thats doesn’t even exist.

hmm nevermind seems there is something fishy going on. with the server.

It looks like it’s searching the “manifest” folder. how do i prevent this?

So is there no native Search Section extension for S2? That’s disappointing.

Publish Filtering adds a search field to the entry indexes.

So I can basically have a Search Entries form on my site and have my users able to search.

No, this is back-end use only — it’s an attempt to replicate the 1.7 backend search functionality.

Right, I was looking for a Search capability for the front end.

Your best bet is to use the Google or Yahoo search extensions. They can index and search your content better than anything we could dare to code.

If you need to keep it native to Symphony, you can set up a Data Source to search a specific field (e.g. a Content textarea that powers your pages).

Hmm, bit of a shame that the Section Search was removed, it was a great extension and one of the reasons I used Symphony.

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