
@Nick: But what happens when they deselect an image and decide they want to add it back later?

Nick, that’s a good fix for the moment, but to make it bulletproof the relation of the subsection items and the main section need to be saved in some way.

Nick, that’s a good fix for the moment, but to make it bulletproof the relation of the subsection items and the main section need to be saved in some way.

Yep, that was too complex and scared me into a quick fix ;-)

But what happens when they deselect an image and decide they want to add it back later?

If they delete the image, to them it’s deleted, they can upload it again. If they do it accidentally, refreshing the page will bring it back. The end result will be orphaned entries, but I’m not fussed about that.

Hi Nick, thank you for your great extension.

I’m not sure if it is a bug or something wrong with my setup but I can’t get the extension to work on safari (4.0.5)

Subsection Manager

As you can see on the image attached the interface is just unusable. It looks and works fine on firefox (3.6.3) though

Thanks, Giulio

subsection manager.png

Check out Your Web Inspector in Safari and check the javascript console for errors. That looks like a JS error to me.

Thank you dougoftheabaci, you are probably right. Strange enough it fixed itself after a reboot. I thought a emptying the cache was enough.

BTW, this is a great community

It’s one of the many reasons I use Symphony.

Is there any way to create new subsection items from an event?

I know there’s some talk about it in the To Do List thread but I wondering if anyone managed to implement it yet.

And of course, thank you Nils for the fantastic extension.

When using Nick’s Section Schemas extension, and attaching the datasources to a page, if I have a Subsection Manager in the Section, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function addScriptToHead() on a non-object in C:\projects\ftc-symphony\extensions\subsectionmanager\fields\field.subsectionmanager.php  on line 305

I am on 2.0.8RC3 and have used the current Git download of the extension.

Another one…

I’m trying to use a Datasource output parameter with this field, yet there is no output into the parameter. Should there be a comma seperated list of IDs from the subsection?


I need to pay attention and actually select an item in the subsection manager field first… Duh!

Sorry for not being very responsive over the last weeks — too many things to do at once :)

Just a few notes concerning UI problems with this extension: the Subsection Manager is JavaScript based which means that any JavaScript error will break the whole thing. These errors might be Symphony related or the result of another misbehaving extension. If something strange happens to the UI please clear your cache first, reload the page and check if there are error messages in your JavaScript console. The console should point out which script or file is causing the trouble.

Is there any way to create new subsection items from an event?

As long as you know the IDs of your entries this should not be a problem at all. I’ve never done this myself though.

When using Nick’s Section Schemas extension, and attaching the datasources to a page, if I have a Subsection Manager in the Section, I get the following error:

This seems to be connected to the Section Schema’s internal workings and how it calls the Subsection Manager — I’ll have a look at it and will chat with Nick if this can not be solved on my side.

More on this extension after the Symphony Symposium in London next week.

@Nils - I’m having the same problem as well.

When I run the Javascript console in Safari, it gives the following error…

TypeError: Result of expression 'object.find('div.stage').symphonyStage' [undefined] is not a function. /extensions/subsectionmanager/assets/symphony.subsectionmanager.js:355

Here’s a screenshot of the error. alt text

FYI: I’m running Symphony 2.0.8RC3.

Are you sure that you have uploaded the Stage plugin into you lib folder?

@Nils - Forgive me for my oversight. I need to try reading. :)

Thanks for your help.

@Nils - Is there a way to preview external images that are listed as URLs in a text field or Rowan’s text box? So in the manager it would preview a thumbnail of that external Flickr image.

I followed Nick Dunn’s screencast on how to import a Flickr Feed and was wanting to preview a flickr image via the Subsection manager. So, for instance. If I have a blog entry, a Flickr Photo Field (using the Subsection manager), and I would like to pull the title and have the external URL field to be the source of the thumbnail in the manager that would be great.

Any thoughts?

This is certainly possible by adding an additional script for this purpose. It’s not in the scope of the Subsection Manager though.

You could use the HTML Panel field inside your Images section to render the image.

@Nils - since I’m a php novice and don’t know the ins and outs of the Subsection Manager architecture, where would I put something like that?

@nickdunn - I used the HTML Panel field to render the external image on the entry, but it doesn’t show up when I choose that as one of the items to display in the Subsection Manager.

As the Subsection Manager is just a container for another section the easiest way would be to create a new field that handles the display of your Flickr images. If you like to go this way it would be best to post a new thread in case someone else has tried to implement this before.

Using HTML Panel seems to be a good idea in this case. The Subsection Manager overrides the CSS of the subsection so this might be the reason why you don’t see any display inside the manager.

Here’s a screenshot of my setup on the Flickr section… Flickr Preview Panel (HTML Panel field, which is generating <img />)

Flickr Section

In my Blog section, I have a Subsection Manager field called Flickr Photos that pulls from the Flickr section. Here’s a screenshot of the field setup.

Field setup

On the blog entry page, you will see I have an Image (Subsection Field) that points to an Image section where it is viewing the file that was uploaded. Then my Flickr Photo (Subsection Field) that is looking for the image from the HTML Panel field from my Flickr section. See screenshot below.

blog entry page

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