

We reinstalled the latest 2.0.7 version. One of my datasources that was generating results is now not. When I went into the DS to look at it it looks like it’s having problems (please see the attached image).

Would anyone know of what we might do to salvage this DS rather than rebuilding it?


Aviary pcpc-local Picture 5.png

No screenshot :-(

Sorry, Nick. I’m dealing with a gas leak at our place and the plumber knocked on the door as I was posting this. Screenshot’s there now.

Yeah that looks like an issue with the duplicator JS. Have a look at some of the JS fixes that’ve been posted since the 2.0.7 release. I’ll try to dig some up…

@czheng - I’ve been working with wjnielsen on this and his installation is up-to-date (using the symphony-2 master branch) as of 3:00am CST (today - March 31). He’s using the ensemble that I helped him create.

I have the same ensemble installation on my Mac, and I’m not having those issues on my machine (Mac OS X 10.6.3 running MAMP). His installation of this site is running on XAMPP on Windows XP. Do you think this could be a local machine cache issue? In the past, I’ve run across Windows machines getting cache that it has a hard time releasing. Do you think it would be good to run an ipconfig /flushdns in the Windows XP command prompt and restarting the machine?

OR do you think there may be some competing libraries for the duplicator.js? Or do you think this could be database related?

It definitely looks like the javascript is not playing nicely.

all -

I successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache on my WinXP machine, without completely correcting the DS display issue noted above. The display now looks like this:


Is there a way to tell which version of the symphony.duplicator.js I’m running?

@bzerangue There are some tables in my db installation that have been replaced after installing the ensemble you made, that is running on your Mac. They were the following tables:

> sym_gpl_params sym_gpl_sets
> sym_members_email_templates
> sym_members_email_templates_role_mapping
> sym_members_login_tokens
> sym_members_roles
> sym_members_roles_event_permissions
> sym_members_roles_forbidden_pages
> sym_members_roles_forbidden_pages
> sym_seomanager_keywords
> sym_seomanager_logs
> sym_seomanager_rules

I also uninstalled the collapse section entries extension but that did not help.

I uninstalled the Global Parameter Loader and the SEO Manager Extensions to see if there was a conflict with them. No changes to the DS display.

Aviary pcpc-local Picture 6.png

did you try resetting your browser? when i opened my mac at home (where I also had it installed), it looked the same as your screenshot above. but then, i clicked on refresh, and everything set back into place. I reset my browser altogether, and tried again, and got the correct rendering…

See below…

alt text

Also, did you consider replacing the entire symphony folder and index file with a fresh copy from github master repository, either via git with

git pull git:// master

OR with following step number one in the old fashioned updating process

Does anyone else know what could be causing this?


Previously, I replaced the symphony folder (i.e., deleted the old and copied over the one you had in the ensemble) and I had reset and restarted several browsers.

I’ll keep tinkering.

@wjnielsen - did you try restarting Apache and MySQL on XAMPP to clear out the cache there?

@everyone else - has anyone experienced something like this? are there any other avenues to go down on this one? wjnielsen and I are working on huge project using Symphony, and he’s developing the Front Membership stuff, which has been working great, but we’ve run into this Javascript problem in his development environment.

thanks for y’alls help.


I restarted the server and machine. As we tested this morning, the javascript issue is also manifesting on other XP computers.

I think we have it narrowed down to being a XAMPP issue. Either it is cacheing some files and not wanting to clear them out OR it doesn’t like the duplicator.js file. We uploaded those same files up to our production server on ubuntu box running a litespeed and it worked as expected.

Has anyone else had issues with XAMPP and Symphony 2.0.7? Are there any development web server package alternatives for Windows that y’all would suggest?

The problem and solution proposed here seems most promising:

Have you tried this?

Allen, not sure if this is something you can answer or better for Alistair, but exactly how much of Symphony is meant to work on a Windows host?

Symphony officially supports the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack since the majority of online hosts offer this kind of environment.

Allen, your suggested fix appears to have corrected the issue.

Thank you, and everyone else, who contributed to the solution here. A week later I’m back in development, thank you.

It appears to me that the strategy of only officially supporting Symphony on LAMP configurations is a negative approach to attracting a wider user/developer base, especially when the fixes to get WAMP working correctly are minor.

May I suggest a small inclusion in the installation process which, at least, shows the changes that need to be made to the default installation when running Symphony on Windows IIS7+, fastCGI setup.

For such a small effort the returns may be very beneficial to the community.

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