
I'm also not seeing any of my test searches showing up in the Search Index › Logs

I've looked for the event, because I'm not sure how those searches are saved .. I'm assuming there's a switch that I haven't flipped somewhere ..

Is there an ensemble/pkg that I can see that implements this extension? I've double-checked everything several times, but can't target the issue ..

I guess the main thing is that I can't get beyond the Invalid search sections problem.

This is an incredible extension and I can't wait to get it functioning properly .. thanks Nick!

I believe I may have found the issue, here you mention data-sources/, but I looked in my data sources and I don't have that. Is that something that is generated upon extension install? The folder is writable and I have tried reinstalling several times. Is that DS essential to the extension functioning? If so, how do I create it?

I think this is likely the issue, because it claims that it isn't finding sections, likely because it can't access a list of section names .. ?

If that's in the extension's data-sources folder, then it should be there at install.

Sorry for being a bit rude but could I bump my question a tiny bit before it's buried in the archives? :)

@davidhund no worries :P

@designermonkey yes, it was in the extension's folder


Looks like I was able to finally solve my problem, somehow the manifest/config got built wrong, so after deleting and reinstalling I'm getting the magic in my debug :P


Nobody has any idea if it's possible to search across domains (search across multiple Symphony installs on multiple domains)?

So having to grab the Multilingual fork of this, has anyone had any joy using it on 2.2.4 yet? just before I go and install something that's gonna blow my install up! :)

Hello, all!


As I'm trying to style my search results a bit, I'd like to see the XML output after a search is run, but appending '/?debug' to the end of a search URL doesn't work for me.

I've got the extension set up in the simplest terms, ie: single section, straight out the box settings. It works great, but for this minor hiccup.

Probably, I've missed something…

Thanks, LB

@davidhund any chance you can have tour multiple sites talk to the same database? It should be easy if that's in the realm of possibilities.

@lbradford, If you use &debug at the end of your search result url.. it should take you to the debug screen!

so you would have

Ahah! Thank you very much!

Multilingual search question:

For a small site i'm currently building I was wondering whether the Search Index could accomodate searching over the contents of an XML page to retrieve content rather than indexing the data in the backend?

This way each language could have an XML page with entry output and iterate over the data to filter by keywords... this is not 100% thought through but wondered if anyone had any insight here?

Guillem mentioned using a reflection field in some way to output the resulting data. Haven't quite got my head around this bit yet.

The quantities of data entries we're talking about may not exceed 50 entries max.. so there's no risk of lag or page load speed issues.

Cheers for any thoughts people have here.

@into actually that's my situation exactly: I have 1 'data' Symphony site and multiple 'satellite' Symphony installs. I hope I can just setup Search Index results as a remote Dynamic XML DS on those satellite sites.

@davidlund, would this approach help on satellite sites? it's related to my post above and just saw it could search XML data.. so satellite xml files might be possible to search no?

If this is deemed as jacking the thread please delete.

@monoo2 that seems like a very simplistic, naïve, JS search though. I'd like to use the back-end Search Index goodness (with -logging, synonyms, etc).

@davidlund, agreed, it's very crude..

Was just looking for a way to use search in more than one Lang on the site I'm working on.

@davidhund Perfect!

Okay, so it should be easy, just use something like XML to JSON using XSLT and prepare your search results as JSON on your data server. Use jQuery autocomplete and request that document as the search result from your satellite servers. JSON data is what autocomplete uses, and its the only JS data you can send between servers. Logging and all that goodness will show up on the data server.

Bam! Solution.

Hi guys, I'm having a strange problem with the extension... When a search result has the character 'à', I have the following error:

loadXML(): Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xC3 0x20 0x53 0x61 in Entity, line: 146

Does anyone knows how to solve it?


I'm getting this javascript error in the backend: Symphony.Context.get("searchindex") is undefined [Break On This Error] this.refreshrate = Symphony.Context...ex')['re-index-refresh-rate'] * 1000;

Also, after editing a section in the indexes part, the save won't save, I just get to the list of all my sections and the fields etc are not stored.

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