
I have added back the code that disables other sort fields in this commit. You can update to the HEAD of the repo to get this (git pull).

Would it possible that this option is somehow changed to automatically set the sorting to this field

It would be possible, but I think it introduces a usability problem. Quite often I will append ?unsort to the URL to let me sort temporarily by other fields. If the "force sort" is set in the section editor and I deliberately unsort in the entry table, should this checkbox be unticked in the section editor? I know it's an extra step, but it feels a bit like black magic to set the UI of one area of Symphony from another.

Thanks, Nick!

Just installed this for a client site - brilliant. Thanks!

Is it somehow intentional that this extension returns <span class="order">1</span> in data sources instead of 1?

PS: It seems like the Github issue tracker isn't activated as well - intentional, too?

Is it somehow intentional that this extension returns 1 in data sources instead of 1?

It is. When the column is the last in the table the hidden <input/> is also appended, so selecting and changing the visible number is far easier when it has a wrapper, hence the <span/> element.

PS: It seems like the Github issue tracker isn't activated as well - intentional, too?

Yep, from when the Symphony site was launched I closed all Github issue trackers so that issues would be logged on this site. Until directed otherwise, I'm trying to keep Github issue trackers closed, since the Symphony site is where Symphony issues are logged still, so my extension issues will be logged here too. When Symphony moves its issue tracking back to Github, I will follow :-)

It is. When the column is the last in the table the hidden <input/> is also appended, so selecting and changing the visible number is far easier when it has a wrapper, hence the <span/> element.

In a data source?!

Oh sorry, I missed that bit. Yes, looks like a bug. The Order Entries field doesn't override the Field class appendFormattedElement method, which in turn uses the prepareTableValue method to return a value. A fix would be to add this method to the Order Entries field:

public function appendFormattedElement(XMLElement &$wrapper, $data, $encode = false, $mode = null, $entry_id = null) {
    $wrapper->appendChild(new XMLElement($this->get('element_name'), $data['value']);

If you use this as an output parameter you will also want to override the getParameterPoolValue method, which also falls back on prepareTableValue:

public function getParameterPoolValue(Array $data){
    return $data['value'];

Hi Nick,

I was using the order entries field on two different sections where on one it was critical not to re-order entries via drag n drop. I did a slight modification that let you disable drag and drop reordering in your field setup.

Do you think this might be a possible useful feature for an upcoming update? (in other words: my I send you a push request?)

Kind regards, Thomas

Hi Nick,

I can't check the boxes

 Disable sorting of other columns when enabled
 Hide this field on publish page

Symphony 2.2.1

It will be easier for clients to use if they don't accidentally sort by another column and complain that drag/drop is broken. :)

You can't check them at all? What browser are you using? Can you check the boxes the but their values are not being saved when you submit the form?

Safari Version 5.0.5 (6533.21.1)

I can check the boxes, but the values aren't saved when saving the section.

What versions of Symphony and Order Entries are you using Pat?

The span is still being output in the data source XML.

@nickdunn, do you want me to try what you entered for this issue above and to submit a pull request?

Yes please, I must have completely forgotten about fixing this. I'm pretty sure the above will work, so please send a pull request if you can. If it doesn't work, then open a bug report on Github and I'll look into it.

Okeydoke, will test it out. Wanted to check with you first in case I was missing context. Cheers.

The fix works but is not in the repo :) just pulled a few days ago and the fix was missing.


I have a isssue with this plugin. I use it for making previous/next links like VladG has explained in this thread :

The DS are good according to VladG but still I see no records found error messages in my xml.

Can anyone help me solve this ?

Hi Nick,

Just installed this in 2.2.3 and it works fine, though your fix for the span which I put into a pull request is not in master yet as vladG said.


Sorry to be a pain, Nick - any chance you could update the repo with that pull request? I'm easily confused when it comes to Git and submodules, so am trying to avoid having extra commits in my installations. Cheers.

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.8 on 19th of December 2011

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