
That would offcourse be nice, but there will always be some dependencies which are harder to check. For example: when adding pages and not including all their utilities that are imported. This will throw an XSLT-parsing error.

I think some of these cases are the responsibility of the developer who is making a package. After all, it's pure a developer-extension, not something clients will ever have to work with. I also think this about Pages: it's the developers responsibility to include the correct pages. I already made a built-in check here when you are only adding child-pages and not a root-page. Then it will set the pages to the root itself and rename the XSL-files, so I believe that's already covered.

On the other hand, the section_associations would indeed have to be checked, otherwise importing the package could throw a database error. I'm not sure what Symphony's default behavior is if these values are not present in the database. It uses them for using dynamic values for a selectbox right? For example, will it be set to 'None' if these values are not present in the database or will it crash?

I'm not sure what Symphony's default behavior is if these values are not present in the database. It uses them for using dynamic values for a selectbox right? For example, will it be set to 'None' if these values are not present in the database or will it crash?

AFAIK Symphony uses the table only to be able to "Include a count of entries in associated sections" in Data Sources.

I've sent a pull request with support for table_sections_association.

Good night!

Packages updated to version 1.1 on 6th of April 2011

  • added support for e-mail template filter extension
  • added extra comments to installation script

Hey Guys,

is there a place to share some packages ... i need a events section :)

Not yet, but it could be a good addition to the download section for the new iteration of the website.

Could this also work with unzipped packages, just a containing directory?

Do you know how I should start (and if it's possible) to modify this extension to be a field? The idea is to create a link to a zip archiving multiple documents generated by symphony with parameters, and related to an entry. Like the preview url field, but with multiple urls/documents archived for download in a single zip.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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