
here is a post about TCPDF

I have thought about creating PDF invoices. Definitely on the list, I'm just not sure where exactly it is on the list :-)

I've had an influx of client work, so I'm progressing slower than expected with all of my fun Symphony projects. I would post the ensemble so far, but I'm actually using it in its current state (I'm not sure how easy it will be to separate all of my business data and website - I probably just need to modify the SQL). Hopefully I get the time to put something up next week.

Some fake sample or demo entries could be usefull to understand how it all works. I have been lookign for a simple xml file with crm data (clients, invoices,...) but havn't found any of interest. Maybe you can just use an online demo to export sample data, like openerp

If you want I can have a go at: - cleaning your ensemble entries (or can they be batch deleted?) - pdf, brendo found a simple library.

If you want I can have a go at: - cleaning your ensemble entries (or can they be batch deleted?) - pdf, brendo found a simple library.

Let me get something uploaded this coming weekend. And here I thought the summer was going to be slow…!

Thanks for the heads up on the PDF library. And thanks @brendo for saving me four hours :)

If you need confidential 1 on 1 help before uploading, let me know.

So none of the others in this thread have started something in the mean time?

Yeah, I start lots of things. It's the finishing that's the problem ;-)

Sounds familiar ;-) In the meantime another symphonian has also created an invoicing app. Maybe these efforts could be combined/coordinated?

I just didn't have any time over the weekend, but I'm working on it right now and probably tomorrow :-)

@brendo, saved us a big headache!

I have found a tool to generate dummy data for an ensemble.

Cool, I spent all yesterday working on e-mailing the invoice and creating a PDF.

A big hurdle that will need to be overcome is that of payment. I'm using Quantum Gateway which has a pretty cool way to handle payments, but I think it's vastly different from the industry-standard I got an e-mail the other day from PayPal telling me about a new invoice service, as well...

Anyways, I need to go work on the recurring payments event for Quantum and then extract an ensemble for community efforts going forward.

I also need to tidy a few things up, I'm very hackish when trying to get things to work for the first time :-)

Wow you are really going all the way to ecommerce? I assumed the ensemble was a simple invoicing/crm. Make sure its not too hard to uninstall/switch off the gateway for those who just send invoices to clients to be wired. Personally I was thinking to check payed invoices manually, maybe later building a workflow to import csv or xml to import the statements from my bank's online banking website.

I made a lot of progress this week but just did not have enough time to finish things. Unfortunately I'm on my way out of town in the morning and won't be back until next Friday.

I'm almost done! Hopefully what I have done can be improved and expanded upon. there's lots to be discussed and decided upon, beyond my own needs, so I think this really will be a great community project if it has enough interest. At the very least, someone who knows what they're doing can take my ensemble and save themselves a little work.

See you in a week!

enjoy your time out!

I assume that most hosted invoice apps (greshbooks, blinksale,..) send the invoice to the customer as a multipart text/html email, with the PDF attached also. Like this one That's 3 formats... Being on a mac one might forget that windows email clients don't display pdf's out of the box. But then again most people use gmail and it supports the display of pdf. OK it still needs one click. So I am tempted into sending just a plain text email with payment info and total amount, with the detailed pdf attached to archive. Then again a html email has the advantage that its open when the email opens, can have vcards. But it can be switched off (blackberry?) or received as spammy... so I'd still need a pdf. What do you guys think?

Any progress on this? I choose another solution for my CRM needs, but might come back to using symphony. Something of importance to me would be to be able to choose a contact from my macosx address app.

Holy snikees! I forgot about this thread. Turning what I have into a working, functional ensemble has really been on the back burner with work. To be honest, the lack of interest by anyone else has also not motivated me to climb that mountain yet. Lastly, I have customized things for my particular needs so much that I'm not sure it would be a good CRM for others.

Your best bet is looking elsewhere for a CRM solution for now. Sorry to let you down.

Doh! I was interested and was waiting to see what you had in mind. I should have said so. If there are any parts of your system that are worth sharing, I would still be interested, Lewis.

I'll see what I can do. Hmm...

I have a client who I'm doing a Symphony site for at the moment who's interested in using a new CRM (he's fed up with the MS one he's using), so I did a little searching and found one I hadn't heard of before: Zurmo.

The site and mission statement give me a good feeling, and it has a RESTful API which might be good for anyone wanting to integrate Symphony with it.

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