
@michael: if I understood the code correctly; exactly the same will happen.

The core has a custom session handling mechanism, which will write to the db rather than a file. If everything is implemented correctly there should be no difference between using the $_SESSION array and using the session class directly.

Thanks a lot!

I'm sure that when I built the Twitter Notifier, anything set with Cookie was not available in the $_SESSION array, and vice versa.

It may have changed now though.

EDIT: It definitely seems to have. Go with the Cookie class.


If everything is implemented correctly there should be no difference


anything set with Cookie was not available in the $_SESSION array, and vice versa

Does that maybe mean that the implementation does not work as intended?

Or could it be that you didn't use __SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX_, like so:


The correct code should be $_SESSION['__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX_']['key'].

Oh. Sure? This means that the Sessionmonster extension needs to be fixed.

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