
I’ve forked and modified this extension over the last days.

I basically deleted everything and started from scratch, leaving out all advanced features like the ability to only enable the field on specific textareas (it will only load on textareas that are more than 10 lines in height though) and breaking it down to be only a wrapper for the JS.

The MarkItUp! core is now loaded as a submodule, hopefully making updates a bit easier, just remember to run git submodule update --init after you’ve cloned the repository.

I needed this as a replacement for WMD as it’s showing more and more weird issues, especially in Chrome.

If you like it, serve yourself. If ahwayakchih wants to merge it into his extension, feel free to do so.

Nice work… may find use for this.

And, yes, WMD is a hot mess in Chrome.

this is awesome. i can’t wait to start replacing my wmds.

We need a like-button here ;-) Thanks for the extension, will try it soon.

is this for the front end or the back end? i can’t seem to get it to come up in either, and i’m getting no 404s from the console, so i presume i did the little git submodule update --init dance correctly.

edit: i apologize. i was testing on a textarea in the back end that did not have a formatter applied to it. woops!

is this for the front end or the back end?

Backend only. Extensions in Symphony cannot modify your frontend markup, only append stuff to the XML. If you want an extension to appear on the frontend, you’ll also have change your XSLT.

edit: i apologize. i was testing on a textarea in the back end that did not have a formatter applied to it. woops!

Glad you figured it out. :-)

Hey phoque (or anyone who knows) Im not using git what do I need to download and where do I put it?? for the submodule update

@jeff, you can download it directly from github and place it in an extensions folder called markitup

Actually, it’s not that easy. You need to download the repo (click the fat “Download” button on the right hand side) and then download and put it into assets/dist/ (same procedure, same button).

fawx’s link points to ahwayakchih’s repo, you decide wich one you want to pick.

oh, i apologize. i missed the part about 'submodule update'. thanks for catching it, phoque.

I was never able to get this working is there a trick to how the textarea has to be setup?

or how the file structure has to be in the assets/dist/

oh it just turned on, just moved some files around in the dist folder.

If anyone has issues with this in the downloaded markitup folder for the assets/dist/ (not the main extension folder) take the contents of the markitup/markitup and move it into the first markitup folder with the index and jquery file.

OK, so I downloaded the markitup extension that phoque mentioned in his 25 Jan 11, 5:39 pm post. It did not have an assets/dist directory so I created it. I then downloaded the item phoque mentioned in his 04 Feb 11, 6:05 pm post, and put that in the assets/dist directory.

I enabled the extension, but it doesn't work. I then took jeffleeder's advice and moved the content out of the assets/dist directory, into the markitup directory.

It still doesn't work. I have a form with a textarea, that is 20 rows tall, so it should be automatically appearing, if the instructions are to be believed. I am running Symphony 2.2. I must have mucked something up along the way. If someone could point me in the correct direction I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

EDIT updated. see next post.

I matched up the directories and merged the files in. What i mean by that (for other people's reference) is that I matched the markitup-1.x directory with the nils-werner-markitup/assets directory and copied the contents of each respective sub-directory in.

But it still didn't work. After going line by line through the php in the extension.driver.php file, I realized that the tables that all of the MySQL calls are looking for do not exist in my db because my db tables have a different prefix. It's looking for t-b-l_whatever [remove the dashes] and mine were sym_whatever.

That was problem 1.

Problem two was that the $supported variable is looking for pb_markdown, pb_markdownextra, and pb_markdownextrasmartypants as entries in the formatter column of the sym_fields_textarea table. That's an issue, since the entries in the table that I have are markdown_extra_with_smartypants, markdown, and markdown_with_purifier. There are probably more, but that's what I have.

So I simply added those to the array of values, and fixed the sym_ in the sql calls, uninstalled and re-enabled the extension, and now it works. But of course I've also customized it and it can't upgrade anymore.

I know my sym_ prefix was set on install, but the formatter column differences to what the script is looking for concern me. Is there something mucked up somewhere in my install that needs to be fixed?

Thanks to the gurus who help us newbies out!

UPDATE: for whatever reason, this comment form will not allow me to use the table prefix t-b-l [remove dashes]. It auto corrects it to sym. I wish the extension did that, but I had to correct the extension file manually. Not sure why?

I was using 2.1.2, I just upgraded to 2.2.1 and it stopped working I will let you know how I get it working, I will try what you have said.

I upgraded to phoque's integration branch and it works for me

Ok, so this extension doesn't work at all. Even Nils fork on both branches.

As this should replace the WMD as the editor of choice I think we need to make a concerted effort to fix this up and get it working.

Nils, do you have the time to look into this?

Would it be a good idea to get this under the Symphonists organisation on Github?

Ok, so I got it working by deleting the extension (a pain as it's a submdule!!) then re adding it, and initialising the submodule within it.

The readme needs to reflect this requirement IMO.

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