

The original gist is 404ing?

The original gist is 404ing?

Yeah :( and I don't know why. Seems all my gists are 404ing ... And I can't event recover the article.

Very odd, your profile doesn't seem to exist either, although your repos do. Have you ticked some privacy setting? Might be worth talking to github support if it's nothing obvious.

Might be worth talking to github support if it's nothing obvious.

Yeah, I sent them an email. Waiting for response.

Seems to be working now!

Yes it does, indeed. Some guy Steve told me it's OK :)

Interesting idea, I was a little confused by the wording of Widget because of the core class but I can see how this workflow can help some, especially those who are duplicating the same code across multiple pages! Always interesting to hear how others do things :)

For the curious, at R&B we handle our XSL a little differently, the /utilities folder holds just utilities, master.xsl, pagination.xsl etc.

We then create a /sections folder, and create a new template for each Section we have in Symphony. In these files, we add templates that just focus on that one section. We use match='*[section/@handle = "events"]' mode='upcoming-events' so that our templates work regardless of the datasource name, soley using the mode to switch logic.

Our page XSL contains very little code, they act as controllers that just call the relevant templates from the /sections folder.

While this approach means that editing files from the Symphony backend is not possible, we don't find it an issue as we all use our own IDE's anyway.

We have just started to create separate files for CSS for these sections as well, using Codekit/Compass to bring them altogether. This has been a fun learning curve :)

I'd love to know more about that Brendan, sounds quite efficient.

@brendo interesting approach to take, didn't quite think about it before; I used to use the call-template from within the right context; which would reside in /utilities however its a very interesting way to split out the workspace. Would become quite efficient too I presume.

@brendo, I got confused in the begin, but now I get this approach that you said working here and wow, is very good indeed! Fit perfectly with Data Sources behavior. Thanks for sharing! =]

By the way, as I am in the Symphony Resources post, I have installed here and tested a bit. Sound's a great idea. Really! Looks like the desired feature of "packages" in the Symphony 3.0.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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