
If you prefer visual interfaces, you can try my fork of it:

Why don't you just use the id of your current entry and create two other Data Sources that either fetch the next lower or next higher id? You would get any problems with pagination limits as these two Data Sources would have a limit of 1 and return a result based on your current id.

Hmmmn. If I filter by my current ID, paginate by one entry and start at page two, then there are no entries because filtering by my current ID obviously only outputs this one entry.

However I will probably go the Conditionalizer-way :)

If I filter by my current ID, paginate by one entry and start at page two, then there are no entries because filtering by my current ID obviously only outputs this one entry.

With filter by your current id I mean something like earlier than.

With filter by your current id I mean something like earlier than.

Ah, ok. But this assumes a predefined sort-order again.

Will have a look at your visual conditionalizer :)

Is it possible your fork is broken in Symphony 2.3.1?

alt text

Bildschirmfoto 2012-11-20 um 12.29.52.png

Have you emptied your cache? And yes it's possible.

Ah, ok. But this assumes a predefined sort-order again.

Your sort order will always be predefined in some way (by date, by title, by anything). Otherwise it's random and you could just create a Data Source with two random entries not matching your current id to populate a prev/next navigation :)

Random would be fun actually … no, forget it :)

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