
Building Symphony on an innovative framework...

Innovative? Sorry, but Laravel ignores the principles of object-oriented programming: SOLID

For everybody else out there: SOLID stands for SRP, OCP LSP, ISP and DIP. :-)

I am really baffled by all those trendy acronyms... But I am too bad a programmer to say anything against it.

This doesn't mean that I will not make POOP one day (Perfect Object Organisation Principle).

Now without any kidding: Summing everything up, is there a better PHP framework that should be considered?


Innovative? Sorry, but Laravel ignores the principles of object-oriented programming: SOLID


For ease of adoption for newer developers, I would stick with Laravel. Symfony can get heavy (apparently).

Innovative? Sorry, but Laravel ignores the principles of object-oriented programming: SOLID

Sorry, but I don't see how SOLID relates to @bredo's comments. Provide some valuable insight as to why Laravel 4 isn't the best choice going forward.


Just to make sure, you guys know that Laravel consists of Symfony components to large parts? Also, you might be interested in Taylor's comments on the differences between Laravel and Symfony, from an architectural point of view.


Read the code, compare it with Symfony, Doctrine or ZF and you will see the differences.

For ease of adoption for newer developers, I would stick with Laravel. Symfony can get heavy

The code architecture of Laravel is (maybe) good for newer developers, because it is near to procedural programming. But it includes many mistakes and so I would never write a CMS (like Symphony) with it.

I see a problem with Laravel: If you will build a CMS on top of this framework, then the code of Laravel is not flexible enough. You must override many classes.

If you want to change to Laravel, then you can also use the current codebase of Symphony. It is the same result: nothing better, with the same limitations.

Please reference Laravel 4 code when trying to prove your point.

Read the code, compare it with Symfony, Doctrine or ZF and you will see the differences.

I won't let that argument count, sorry. It's up to you to prove it.

@Kaiuwe as Nils pointed out, we're not discussing Laravel 3.

Is this or that OOP?

I know the bias is clearly towards laravel.

On the other hand, a framework like Symfony would give us more flexibility in terms of the actual application structure.

On the other hand, a framework like Symfony would give us more flexibility in terms of the actual application structure.

Being forced into a pre-defined structure would make Symphony easier to understand for new developers, I guess?

With regards to the actual project development or the final product?

With regards to the actual project development or the final product?

Further development of the final product. Makes it easier for new people who want to contribute to the core in the future. Just a thought, maybe it doesn't really matter that much.

@Kaiuwe as Nils pointed out, we're not discussing Laravel 3.

Your are right. My (big) mistake! I was always in the wrong repository. I followed a link from a dicussion on

I will look into the code in this repository. ;)

Being forced into a pre-defined structure would make Symphony easier to understand for new developers, I guess?

Not necessarily I assume; I'm planning to contribute either way. Obviously the simpler it is the more likely that new people will be willing to contribute.

Laravel looks like something even I can get my head around. Been looking at Symfony2 as well as they seem to share common ideas and language in places, also Rails. One of the things I like about Laravel is the less formal tone of the docs and reference material, reminds me of what first caught my eye about Symphony.

Before we event start to drop in code, we have to be very clear about our standards and conventions and also that people should have a profound knowledge about TTD and stuff like that. This is the only way to get things right from the beginning.

The way the symfony project handles community contribution is a very good example (although the community might not be as gently as this one is. No offence).

… knowledge about TTD …

It's really cool how many abbreviation you all know guys, but could you please write with normal humans in mind? What's TTD? Toilet Tissue Dispenser? Teacher Training Department?

Sorry, no offence, just had to say it out loud once :)

What's TTD?

Not sure about TTD but I read it as test-driven development.

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