
Well, I did see where you should have been :) There’s enough proof of you on the other pictures though.

P.S. I uploaded the group photo and added it to the pool.

I also thought that I would be smaller. Sorry, Jonas.

Back home!

Thanks to everyone for such an amazing experience. And please, don’t forget about Alistair who have been with us all the time :)

Alistair in all his splendor.

Lol good one, Marco.

I have some very disappointing news about the video. We managed to record nearly the entire day of presentations on Saturday, but due to an equipment problem no audio was captured at all. We’re trying to figure out if there’s anything we can do, but it doesn’t look promising.

Very sorry about this, everyone.

OK, everyone into the ADR booth!

Yeah, Fazal’s idea was for each of us to re-dub someone else’s session, trying to imitate their accent.

That would be so funny…

designermonkey - did I leave my USB stick with you by any chance?

No, I gave it back… I lose them all the time.

argh! I think I must of left it with that moose in the room. oh well :)

I hope there wasn’t anything on there too important? You have copies? I have one on my keychain now. It’ll be sod’s law that I lose my keys next…

And please, don’t forget about Alistair who have been with us all the time :)

Yeah. I’ve got my wooden eye on you guys.

O WOW! I miss it. Sometime too far, I try another time may be. I fly on eagle wing for next time. In cloud for dream this happen. Thanks!

I have one question to establish. What happen?

@RhinoMaster – You missed quite a bit, on the whole it was a really enjoyable social event. Enjoy flying your eagle up in the clouds.

Here are the slides from my presentation:

I didn’t talk in technical detail about rebuilding the Symphony UI in the frontend as I knew this was the focus of Stephen’s talk. Unfortunately NDA dictates that some screenshots of the “Rebuilding Symphony in Symphony” BBC case study had to be removed, but hopefully the ideas remain.

Please feel free to re-purpose and distribute as you wish, but please give Airlock credit where it is due.

Thanks for the weekend guys - sorry I couldn’t make more of it!

It was lovely meeting most of you and catching up with the ones I knew…

Nils/Jonas/Michael-e I will be posting a css problem soon :)

@klaftertief, thanks for completing the list of cities represented at the Symposium.

Just want to add Braunschweig and Erlangen to list of cities. :)

@nickdunn, unfortunately, I didn’t get around to showing how Symphony can rebuild Symphony with Section Schemas and Form Controls. I wasn’t able to finish up the demo in time for the event. Instead, I focused on using Symphony as a project administration and brand asset management tool.

Thank you, Nick, for the slides from your presentation. A great amount of credit goes to Airlock for making the Symposium event possible as well as demonstrating the power of Symphony through the work the agency has done.

Now, I have people at work asking, “Why are we not using Symphony?”

…unfortunately, I didn’t get around to showing how Symphony can rebuild Symphony with Section Schemas and Form Controls. I wasn’t able to finish up the demo in time for the event.

That’s a shame. It might have been too code-based to show anyway. I hope you’re able to find the time to finish it off one day — it would be a great learning resource.

Do you have any plans to release your management tool? Having not seen it, I’d love to know more.

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