
You’re right, Doug. And as I said this will be a feature in a later version. But as we are currently preparing the initial release I don’t want to change focus :)

Totally understandable. What I’m talking about is a fringe case; it’s the sort of thing that would be great to have but not something I’ll miss terribly until it does find it’s way in. After all, I can still do it now it just takes more work.

Nils: point taken. If you look at it that way, you are completely right.

Maybe for a future release then, to improve the workflow:

  • Drag from the search results bar is possible, just autoselects the item.
  • If an item is dragged into a textarea, the item itself can not be deselected (or deselecting causes the entry in the textarea to be removed)

I guess that would merge those two features beautifully.

That’s a good idea, Huib. I had something similar working in my early drafts of this extension. I think it will be a good addition for 1.1.

So, has anyone used the Mediathek upgrade script so far?


This will add a Remove button to the interface

I was a bit confused about this option. It allows you to de-select items by clicking to the (x) button. If you don’t tick it, none of the selected items can be de-select, apart from the ones you create through the Subsection Manager in the current instance. Perhaps the descrition above is not clear enough, as there is no “Remove” button. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me..

Moreover, is there a context where it is safer to deny de-selection of items?

That’s a good point. I wasn’t sure about the description while writing it but it was the best that came into my mind. Do you have an idea for an alternative copy?

Moreover, is there a context where it is safer to deny de-selection of items?

I’m not sure. I never needed to disallow desellection myself but I learned that my needs are not always everone’s needs while developing this extension. I developed Stage with flexibility in mind and so I created this option.

I never needed to disallow desellection myself but I learned that my needs are not always everone’s needs while developing this extension.

Yes, that’s true, but giving users the choice is not the same as implementing as many options as possible.

Here’s an example: assume that you disable “Allow selection of items from a list of existing items”. As a consequence, options such as “Allow selection of multiple items”, “Allow deselection of items” and “Allow sorting of items” become useless as they are related to the selection of items. This way, the Subsection Manager only gives you power on items that are created through it.

Another example: You disable “Allow deselection of items”. What if, while browsing entries, you accidentally click on an unwanted item? You can’t de-select it, thus forcing you to reload the page. It’s also worth mentioning that while de-selecting items requires you to click on a small button, selection is much more easier to achieve as it involves a much bigger area (Subsection Manager’s width * height of a single item - Fitt’s law).

To sum it up: I think it’s not valuable to give users the choice to decide whether items can be selected or not. Reducing the amount of options from six to four is a better choice in my opinion.

Okay. Other opinions?

An option would be to leave these settings in the database but remove them from the interface.

An option would be to leave these settings in the database but remove them from the interface.

Yep, that could be a good idea. :)

(This thread is awesome.)

You’re welcome, Nick.

(You have a pull request, Nils :)

Hi Nils,

the update script worked fine on two installations with two handfuls of Mediathek fields and everything worked fine.

But I think I found some bugs with the Subsection Manager itself. At first I thought those were JS caching issues, but it was the same in different browsers and with caching disabled. I’ll put those bugs in the GitHub tracker as well.

  • The suggestions for the tag/category filter don’t work. The reason are the multiple tag suggestion lists (<ul>) and this change in admin.js.
  • The filter by tags doesn’t work. If I put a tag/category in the filter field not entries in the Subsection Manager on the publish editor are found.
  • The display of the suggestions for the custom caption doesn’t work correctly. Not all field handles from the selected subsection are shown, and if no handle is shown the display of the input field is broken (too low, bottom outline is cut off).
  • Dragging an entry over an textarea but dropping it back to the subsection manager adds the image/file link into the textarea.

And I’m going to either change the the Image Cropper extension HTML/CSS to work with the subsection manager or send you some styles to fix the display issues in the next days.

Thanks for all your work.

Thanks Jonas for all the reports. I’ll check them over the next days.

Does this extension not keep track of how many times an item has been referenced in another section, similar to the section link field? i just converted a categories section from a section link field to the subsection manager. Then when i went to the Categories page, only the categories were listed, but not the number of links there were to it. This makes sense since they are two different extensions, but is this some functionality that v1.0RC1 does not have?

also was wondering if there was anyway to get around removing the subsection manager field from a section in order to update the subsection manager extension. If i try to disable the subsection manager extension, i get an error say it is in use in a section. but if i remove the reference from a section, won’t i lose all that associated information i created with this extension?

@wtdtan: There is currently no count but this could be added easily.

Concerning the update process: Why are you touching your fields at all before updating? You just have to replace the files and the re-enable the extension again to run the updater. Any reason why you are trying to deactivate the extension first?

@Nils: Kick ass progress on this extension. I’ve had a brief pause from Symphony-related work, but I’ll get back into it again now. I’ll certainly add norwegian translation for this extension, I’ll just have to get familiar with the git-stuff to perform the fork+pull thingamajig.

@nils, i thought you had to disable then reenable the extension in order for it to update with delegates and such? when I do a git pull, it still says it’s enabled afterwards.

Also, I think adding the count would be really awesome since this extension is perfect for handling categories in articles or projects.

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